
i can tell you one thing... Gmaes for Windows Live is awesome at content protection i bought my first games for PC in a long time because well... whats the sense in getting a downloaded copy off the black market if internet play is impossible without a legit copy :)

@CockroachMan: theirs a lot that will be crap that wont get attention maybe a little... but their are a few from the first contest and in the upcoming ocntest that stand to make a bucket load of cash off of doing something they like.

"Xbox LIVE when Community Games launches this holiday"

lol its not punishment its to cover costs if you feel your game is worth more you push in some bloat files and you can bump your price.

i'd really like to see them really push it to like... a shooter or something not just the platform runner platform as it stands... but thats just me.. hands down it looks good im just not a platformer...

game looks great, trailer sucked could they shown a tinier sliver of multiplayer gameplay ... like fps gameplay lol

@SG79: their doing the same thing MS did, they didnt lower a price... they just are in the works of killing a SKU .. the 360 premium didnt get cheaper it just got bigger drive and the old ones are clearing off


@i_9: multiple maps and different friends, seems like a solid mode especially if it gets truely overwhelming.

@KaneRobot: i have to agree, most sites completely overlookd this annoucement but to me it seems like one of the most amazing... well beyond the FFXIII for 360 :)


@cxplorer: this is just funny sony is copying microsofts ingame xmb and achievements

i find it funny ms is getting bashed for copying... ingame XMB... trophies? WTF lol

they never said gamerpics would disappear... last time i checked, even MSN has 3d avatars as well as Pictures... it comes down to CHOICE... something microsoft is giving and others arent.

@Salen: a big can of awesome LMAO i love that and your right

@elementary: i hate CIV cause i feel like it eats a way at my life and as if im in a black hole....

this game rocks hands down anyone you ask its not as deep as civ on PC, but thats the point its a console game 2-3 hour matches are fine for a console... who wants a 24-48 hour map on a console rts lol

@Gray665: actually the reason this e3 isnt exciting is because nothings been leaked really except some wide rumors... which is great as it means we dont know what to expect almost any announcement will be a major hit out of left field... last year sucked to me cause we kinda knew most of what was announcing from

Too Human, Gears II, Fallout, and Fable 2, Halo Wars.....

Dude, the above ones arent the best idea... use the folliwing comes in at just over 200$ and has full compatability except for mic-in beyond that everything else works on it, and has been confirmed to play HD content up to 720p without even a studder.