
So just get DC to turn out a few issues of this character. She's already has enough Sass and thought to be a compelling. You just need to come up with a good villain. Perhaps a large evil corporation that just needs to be beat out of their rearward thinking?

One of the three Elysian co-founders (and the one who voted against the sale) Dick Cantwell was NOT HAPPY with the ad. He's been a major proponent of getting craft beer going in Seattle, including legal reforms that have made it easier to brew and sell.

This was the part that stuck out at me the most. The fucking HARD WAY?!? Are you kidding me? These asshats brew strong shitty beer with rice and corn, then water it down to fit their normal flavor profile and ABV. Bottle it and carbonate it and you get some classic Bud.

Ah fuck, they bought Elysian? Sad times, I always loved their beers. Some big company also bought up 10 Barrel out of Bend. I shall strike them off the list as well...

They also own Goose Island, which makes some spectacular wild, sour, and wood-aged beers. A former colleague of mine left to brew there and definitely "fusses over" his work. It's certainly not easy, either.

Especially when you're dragged through town and then pinned down by your murderers before your painless sword murder.

It took them three hits with the sword, and she was given nothing to dull the pain, such as painkillers. But that sounds really humane! Fuck western racism!!!

Damn straight! It can't possibly be "new age" or "hipster", since my grandparents let my parents do it in the 50s & 60s, and my parents let me do it in the 80s. This is actually really old-school parenting!

So I'm Australian so feel free to bash away, but I am gobsmacked at the "child safety" priorities here. Every day I read on my newsfeed in the US about mass school shootings of children, children shooting each other at home, a 2 year old shooting their mother in Walmart, accidental death of 6 year olds playing with

It's not even New Age or hipster!

this is happening where I live, so two interesting notes on the law:

I've found his obsession a little out of left field, but I don't hate it. I see it as a guy who is entrenched in the comedy business suddenly realizing 1) that he and other big names didn't call out Cosby earlier and that 2) he is the father of two young women and is just realizing the pressures they will face in

There's a Lord of the Rings joke buried here, somewhere.

Wha? liters/100km is just a formula for gas mileage to help you calculate fuel efficiency. And an ounce is a unit of measure in both imperial and metric systems and has the same weird volume/mass overlap in both. Same reason you have 1cp measurements in both dry and wet measuring cups.

I only ever learned metric in school, but I bake, build and calculate my mileage the other way (slide rule!). Does anyone know what liters/100km actually real-life means? Or 11 ml of salt? No idea what an ounce is though- why the volume and the mass???? I like the neatness of metric, but bits of it seem foreign

Glad the mother was horrified instead of making some cliched remark about boys being boys or just kidding. Or turned into scary momma bear and how dare someone call out her snowflake.

This is incredibly satisfying. Nothing is more wonderful than the idea of misogynists having to admit their misogyny to the one woman who they think is somehow different. It's a beautiful thing.

After reading through the horror of the first two girls' stories, my heart broke at the phrase "you know how that goes" that Katie uses when describing saying no and not being able to get away. That phrase conveys the helplessness, the world-weariness, and the sense that not only has she had to fight this before,

If Brian is this bad at 18, I fucking SHUDDER to think how predatory and dangerous he'd be at 25, 30, 35, 40, after years and years of practice at victimizing women. Seriously, lock this guy up because he will not stop and will eventually probably kill a woman.

Time to form a chain-wielding feminist biker gang. I vote calling it Hell's Harpies, who's with me? We can drink whiskey and slowly drive by rapists' homes, knitting menacingly.