pH unbalanced

1000%. During the show (again, it was his first, he was glancing at notes and at points was literally thinking out loud) he talked all about his faults, his destroyed marriage, and coming to terms with being an addict. He talked about how in the past he would say things onstage to hide how bad and insecure he felt,

I’ve found the whole discussion around Mulaney’s rehab, divorce and new family pretty gross. People get sober, get divorced and find new love all the time. People in show biz do it even more often, it seems. Why is Mulaney doing it such a betrayal for some people? And even worse, why do some parts of the internet

I thought OP was asking if anyone had thoughts on what the bar is for a man to be considered good as opposed to adequate, in light of the article examining whether the goodness which is socially recognised in certain men is simply adequacy - which I thought was an interesting question because it’s about what our

Why is it weird to ask what qualifies as praiseworthy in the context of an argument about what doesn’t qualify as praiseworthy?

I don’t know if Ryan Reynold’s is a “Wife Guy” so much as a guy who has a wife and seems to get along with her pretty well (or that he is just irrevocably Canadian). If the implication is that it is a #brand it would seem odd that Blake certainly leans into as much if not more than he does. Strangers things have

Yeah, I agree with this.  While I think there are some people that use their family as their brand, I think it happens just as much that people project that label onto them, which I will say is the case for Mulaney and Reynolds.

We saw his first show in Boston after rehab. He owns up to EVERYTHING he did to ruin his marriage which was not cheating, it was putting drugs before his wife and family. This website has some sort of hard on for ripping him apart. 

This. My late mate is a perfect example. He was raised in a very conservative area - he never disliked or disrespected women per se - he was just raised to assume we couldn’t do certain things - but more like you’d assume a small, short guy couldn’t do what a 6'3" 250# muscle man could.

And then he took up with a 5'

This retro-casting of Mulaney as a “wife guy” confuses me because the first time I remember him mentioning his wife was when he was explaining that they finally got married because she kept complaining about it. Then he compared marrying her to buying a cow for five minutes.

And Ryan Reynold’s brand is built around him

I know it’s obvious to say we know nothing about these people’s personal lives and it’s ridiculous to project characterisations like ‘wife guy’ onto them, but when I read something like

I feel like all the speculation is missing the forest a bit. I do think the Celtics, eventually, need to make clear what the nature of Udoka’s misconduct was. However, even if all that happened was a purely, no doubt about it, consensual affair, between Udoka (I don’t know what the org chart of the Celtics looks like,

There’s an xkcd for everything.

Out of all the philosophical consequences of simulation theory of course we have to be narcissistic enough to pick solipsism.

If we were living in my imagined science fiction future, a husband or ex-husband objecting to an abortion would be told, “Fine, we’ll transplant the fetus into an artificial uterus in your body, and you can carry it to term.”

To be clear, I do not think a fetus is a person. Some people happen to think this, wrongly, therefore we have to get on their stupid level to anticipate an counter the arguments they are making

Dumbest *so far*

Of all the dumbass TikTok trends I’ve heard of, this is one of the dumbest.

“fundamental right to parent” (there isn’t)

Conservatives, MAGA’s and Evangelicals want American Sharia laws. We are officially Here now and we have to take this absolutely seriously. These crazies will not relent and will have to be defeated. The consequences of them controlling society would leave us with a wretched hot mess.

I’m guessing the actual lawsuit said the estate of her baby. Because the husband is fucking horrible and his ambulance-chaser is even worse.