pH unbalanced

That Pew poll is a depressing picture for unpartnered men, although “25-54" might not be that useful as an age range (the median age for first marriage for men is something like 30 years old now, meaning that you’d expect the 25-54 range to be skewed by the >50% of men below 30 who are not married). 

This is why it always cracks me up when manosphere guys try to use fear tactics on women, and tell us we’re useless without a man and need to lock one down quickly before we “hit the wall.” It’s such obvious fear-based projection. Finding a man is as easy as falling off a chair for most women. Men are the ones in

Ah, okay, that’s the sort of thing I was lumping under “incidental success”. Sometimes the worst time to try to organize action against a game is when it has new content coming out.

Says the company that’s hoovering up the major developers on North America to do this exact same crap.

I mean, isn’t that the whole point of buying exclusivity?

I’m not going to talk about if the practice of buying exclusivity is right or wrong but I’m pretty sure that if you want something exclusive, you don’t want said product to end up on competitor platforms.

Isn’t this just more or less the usual exclusivity stuff though? I’m sure Microsoft would love it if all that went away and everything was on game pass at all times without them needing to pay for it. But if Microsoft is allowed to pay a developer to have their thing on game pass at release, shouldn’t Sony be allowed

You are REALLY stuck on this point and I can’t figure out why.

It doesn’t matter that he tried to direct it.  Process servers do whatever they feel they have to do to serve.  There’s nothing Jason could have done here.

What he requested is pretty meaningless because that just isn’t how it’s done. At all. Even lawyers don’t really control it.

Oh you can TRY, but it just doesn’t work out that way.

I can demand my X be served with papers by a midget riding a Shetland pony. That does not mean the server is obligated to do so. They are obligated to serve in any manner the law allows.

Funny how men who refer to human women as “the female” also have poor reading comprehension. Jezebel isn’t defending Wilde, but is reporting on what she is claiming in court. In fact, the following paragraphs go into some detail about the male’s - er, Sudekis, - side of the story, making it clear that he did not have

I am an attorney. You are correct. We hire process servers to do the job, and even the attorneys don’t choose where it happens. The process servers do. Jason had nothing to do with this, although it is nice he is taking responsibility anyway. I do have pity for both of them for both finding new loves within the UK,

That’s . . . how service happened. Jason Sudeikis didn’t serve Wilde; he hired someone to serve her. They decide how they do that. Case closed. What’s the deal here?

Didn’t we already have this conversation (here — and wasn’t the general consensus among the commenters that Sudeikis almost certainly didn’t have anything to do with how she was served because process servers do whatever they need

This is off-topic, but there are so many things going on in that picture.

People caught swatting need to be charged for what this is: attempted murder. The intention is clear cut.

I love how people take things that pretty common in domestic violances victims and blame Amber for her own victimization. You think she was crazy and Depp was normal and in control. Yeah that’s common in domestic violance relastionships just look at the Gabby Petito police stop. She cried and looked “crazy” for for

This proves the point that everybody wants to believe the victim or speak out against abuse until it’s by a man they like. Even I could see that there was truth to his abuse towards her but people were too blinded because Edward scissorhands and his umpteenth time to recapture that

I think you have this backwards. Millions have been trying to portray Depp as sone sort of saint who couldn’t possibly do anything wrong because Heard is an evil witch and they really loved him in some movies 30 years ago.

I didn’t pick a side, I mocked your stupid comment that Amber had anything to do with these documents being released, dumbass. Try to keep up, stop trying to give Johnny a blowjob and use your brain. Or don’t, it’s far funnier to laugh at your stupidity.

I can’t imagine liking anything about any of this; figuratively or literally.