pH unbalanced

Definitely ended up with the “BOOZY...FOGGY” endgame a couple of times, though I got there with different starting words.

After playing around with it a little bit I got to where my starting word was always the correct word from the previous round -- that *definitely* shakes it up.

This has only happened to me a few times, and every time it has confused me so much that I have just said “thank you” and left the pay window, not even realizing until later that I was “expected” to continue the chain.

Thank you for saving me from being the one to do that. Ivermectin can be fit for human consumption when it is manufactured appropriately, but what happened was the demand for it far exceeded the supply so people started to buy the livestock version since the other was completely sold out.

Agreed. And then they didn’t even include P3 FES, when the P3 vs P3P vs P3 FES is the only interesting ranking discussion to be had around upgraded versions.

Yeah, I remember right before launch people were upset that P5 didn’t let you choose the MCs gender, but it quickly became clear that the way the story played out would have changed radically depending on the MCs gender, and that “controversy” quietly died.

But still can’t hold a candle to Joshua dressed as a princess (and later a maid) in Trails in the Sky.

There are also (separate) theories that the structure of the hypothalamus is related to both autism and transgender identity. If those are true, then it kind of makes sense that they could be related.

I did the *exact* same thing. We missed the part where in all of his stories, all of his companions die.

And just try getting a new PS4 *controller*.

And Taco Del Mar over either of them...

He worked for the *prosecutor’s* office. There are undoubtedly people there he helped send to prison. They will not be his friends.

“Could of” and “should of” are perfectly grammatical. But they *are* misspellings of “could’ve” and “should’ve”.

Not going to disagree with your other assessments, but NM is very solidly a Democratic state.

I made the exact same comment to my wife; it reminded me a *lot* of The Prisoner.

I was surprised to hear that cis-gals were doing this. It’s been a problem in the trans community for decades. And it is always a *bad idea*.

Stealing the NunBun is definitely the sort of thing that John Constantine would do. No telling what spells he’s casting off of that.

I always order it without the cheese, but yes.

Huh. What I did was load one gun (say, the pistol) as my anti-robot weapon, one as my anti-armor weapon, and one as my anti-personnel weapon, and switch between them as necessary.

I figured the note on Michigan’s decline would involve the water in Flint...