Peter Garlinski

“The Car” was unpleasant to watch.

Oooo, I can do that too! Multiple different ways in fact!

As a tech for a decent size company, I honestly do not care about what someone does on a PC. I’m way too busy for that. I only get involved if I have a genuine request to do so. I’ll usually remind people gently that it’s not a good idea but we’re human and we’ve all done personal stuff on a company PC. As long as

Looks like fun! I live in Minnesota and own a truck (not lifted though) and I love taking it out on some icy roads or an icy parking lot and just messing around and practicing my driving. I think winter driving requires both the correct tires and the correct skills. I'm betting this guy thinks he's invincible in his

“sickly-sweet stench of roasting human flesh”

The use of the word ‘everyone’ in the title of this article is irritating. It might just be me noticing, but it seems as if these type of generalizations in article titles have become more common lately. Unfortunately, it also worked to get me to look at the article, which I probably would have ignored otherwise.

Why exactly do we use the internet? Probably safer for me to put my passwords on a sign on my lawn now.

Caveat Emptor

I would gladly take 12 days of Christmas if all 12 days involved no extended family, no screeching children and no work. Might as well add no obligations as well.

I was thinking this would be great for a new bath toy, until I realized my bath isn't big enough to hold me, a Titanic and water at the same time.

Pickups are fine in the snow. I’ve been driving a pickup in Minnesota winters for quite some time now. I think what a lot of people fail to understand about winter driving in general is that no matter how good you think you are of a driver, you still can’t violate the basic principles of physics. I could go on a huge

The proper topping for an English Muffin is Marmite (butter can be added if desired). Everything else is incorrect.

Tailgating makes me nervous. Ever since being rear-ended on a freeway, I get paranoid. There are times when I will pull over and just let them pass.

Damnit, I want to be rich, just so I can commission them to build me a car...with skulls, pictures of Satan and constantly playing heavy metal music. Mess with people's heads.


Honestly...just keep it really simple. If you feel it’s safe to do so, enter the intersection. If not...then don’t. People honking behind you can go to hell, because it’s about YOUR safety, not THEIR convenience.

This may be a complete noob question, but around the 6 minute, 10 second mark of the lap, he moves his right hand to maybe adjust something. Does anybody know what he’s doing there? Technical problem? Pushing extra buttons? Just curious...seemed a bit odd.

I think where I’m confused is if/could this happen if you get insurance through your employer. Could employers discriminate based on this? Could you be denied insurance even if you’re working?

I honestly had no idea that there is a Lebanese basketball league.

I’m really disappointed that we’re giving Paul Ryan any attention whatsoever. I just wish he would disappear at this point.