Peter Garlinski

I’d be surprised if this passes with enough votes. And even if it does, I’d be more surprised if it passes the senate.

What a cromulent use of the word cromulent in this question. A thousand gold stars for you.

Interesting. I just recently purchased a used truck but they said they couldn’t ‘certify’ it because the tires were too wide. Never heard that one before.

Stress is a killer for me...mainly because it causes other issues to flare up, such as OCD, anxiety and to some extent, possible manic episodes with my bi-polar. I try my best to keep my energy up, but sometimes that fails...and then I resort to Xanax. I only use it when I really feel that I can’t control my stress.

Wait...what? Why is this necessary? Suddenly someone gets to pull up a full immigration history on a person? I’m hoping this is very VERY well managed. We’re fast approaching full on witch hunt. Pretty soon, we’ll reach the point of asking if it floats like a duck.

Ken Doherty was one of my favourite players growing up, but Ronnie O...he’s something special. When I first watched the break...well...that kind of cemented me as a Ronnie O fan. Dare I say GOAT? Debatable of course, but he’s done some remarkable things.

Fuck you, you’re dead to me. I’m done with piece of garbage, no talent, lame excuse for a writer. You should be sliced up into little pieces and fed to rats & pigeons or whatever they put in dome dogs.

I’ve lived in the US for way too long so I don’t really miss much from the UK...with the exception of:

This is an addictive fish.

I’m British...but I’ve lived in Minnesota for so long, that my accent has gotten all kinds of weird.

Rental company gave me a Nissan Versa Note this week.

Google+ barely hanging on? Where’s the evidence in that?

I would make a really good comment here, but I hate being at the center of attention and feeling like I matter.

If somebody has a bit of anxiety or is feeling ‘down’, maybe an app would help, but I would never ever recommend an app to fix a major issue.

Poland? Hitler? Tacos? Wait, what?

That’s actually very interesting to hear about your company starting a program for autistics, as well as having quiet spaces. That seems very progressive thinking. At a previous job I had...I ran into issues and eventually...well...lawyers got involved. And we’ll leave it at that.

I am in the exact same boat you’re in (well...I’m male, but still). It’s gotten to a point where I usually have a weekly meltdown. This doesn’t do well for other conditions I have so everything is all screwed up for me.

I used Acorns. Loved it.

One of my favourite cameos was by a director who wasn’t directing the movie!

I love mine. Although I haven’t had to wear them much this winter. Bizarre Minnesota winter this year.

I love mine. Although I haven’t had to wear them much this winter. Bizarre Minnesota winter this year.