Peter Garlinski

Wait...what? Why is this necessary? Suddenly someone gets to pull up a full immigration history on a person? I’m hoping this is very VERY well managed. We’re fast approaching full on witch hunt. Pretty soon, we’ll reach the point of asking if it floats like a duck.

Ken Doherty was one of my favourite players growing up, but Ronnie O...he’s something special. When I first watched the break...well...that kind of cemented me as a Ronnie O fan. Dare I say GOAT? Debatable of course, but he’s done some remarkable things.

Fuck you, you’re dead to me. I’m done with piece of garbage, no talent, lame excuse for a writer. You should be sliced up into little pieces and fed to rats & pigeons or whatever they put in dome dogs.

I’ve lived in the US for way too long so I don’t really miss much from the UK...with the exception of:

I’m British...but I’ve lived in Minnesota for so long, that my accent has gotten all kinds of weird.

Rental company gave me a Nissan Versa Note this week.

Google+ barely hanging on? Where’s the evidence in that?

I would make a really good comment here, but I hate being at the center of attention and feeling like I matter.

If somebody has a bit of anxiety or is feeling ‘down’, maybe an app would help, but I would never ever recommend an app to fix a major issue.

Poland? Hitler? Tacos? Wait, what?

That’s actually very interesting to hear about your company starting a program for autistics, as well as having quiet spaces. That seems very progressive thinking. At a previous job I had...I ran into issues and eventually...well...lawyers got involved. And we’ll leave it at that.

I am in the exact same boat you’re in (well...I’m male, but still). It’s gotten to a point where I usually have a weekly meltdown. This doesn’t do well for other conditions I have so everything is all screwed up for me.

One of my favourite cameos was by a director who wasn’t directing the movie!

I love mine. Although I haven’t had to wear them much this winter. Bizarre Minnesota winter this year.

I love mine. Although I haven’t had to wear them much this winter. Bizarre Minnesota winter this year.

I have a multitude of issues, not just anxiety. I won’t go into details. When my anxiety creeps in, unfortunately, all my thinking goes out the window. No matter what ‘routine’ might help, it’s not going to happen because my brain is too far gone at that point. Even with DBT skills, I can’t handle it.

Sorry about the late reply.

Sorry about the late kept me busy.

Last time I used Wine (a couple of years ago), it borked my entire Linux install. Had to reinstall everything. I’m never using Wine again.

Interesting. I was in Seattle this past weekend and I downloaded some music to my phone and it went through quite quickly. In Minneapolis, it was about the same speed, but it may have been because I was there early morning so maybe not as congested. For some reasons, I had problems at Dallas-Fort Worth, so I gave up.

No no no no no no no...this is just wrong on so many levels. Thanks for destroying my childhood.