You could just use most Dodge or Nissan products.
Can we run over e-bikes too?
I thoroughly enjoyed this video, perhaps because of how entirely jacked you seemed at the entire experience.
Nice price for a toy.
The bigger question is, what happened to the Isuzu Trooper?
I was hoping the one about soft taco conversion rates would make it.
One could say he took it ayn ran'd with it.
I’m fine with this discussion, provided people understand the difference between a wheel cover and a hub cap.
I also did that.
Can you live with the fact that it has 10hp less than a 2019 Toyota Camry V6?
I guess we live in a world where 325hp and 380ftlbs is considered “meh”. Sounds like good numbers to me, for a sport oriented sedan. That torque is going to make a HUGE difference to driveability compared to the naturally aspirated big 6 in the Camry.
Just like the planet earth.
Or perhaps put 4 iron dukes together.
That’s so typical GM.
The engine teardown videos that come out of Papadakis are very interesting to watch.
Looks to me that the truck hit the base of the Hydro pole, stuck, then lifted up and the rear end plopped on the front of the house.
We were also promised tweels.