
i thought it said horse, i was looking for a horse,

if there are assholes out there that actually use these i hope the government doesnt bail their asses out cus people woudnt take that shit.

@Hà Nội: meeee toooo! what a coincidence! nah im 20, but damnint i got nephews and nieces all over my house, what a turn off, who want to deal with children,

can you imagine a future where were old farts( im 20) and someone tries to sell us a 20MP cameras for 200$ and then out grandchildren look at us with a sad face and tell us that we couldve gotten a 100MP camera for less, WOW! hahahaha

WHATEVA!!! i always get tickets for the stupidest things, i got pulled over in front my house cus the cop said i didnt perform a proper stop, i go to fight the ticket and the cops never show, they dismiss my ticket and reimburse me, (takes six weeks to get your check in the mail) but they dont show and even if they do

who clicked allow

@AdamOfDudeMountainFame: i agree, who else agrees, cmon people agree with this guy, playpus man needs to know his place. in the backseat, thats where

@interkin3tic: aaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahah..., good one main(man), haha lol, smartass(in a good way) hehe

@Orionsaint: ah yes the days when the only sound you heard was that of you foot steps, takes me back. for some reason i find these games more fun and the graphics just just hypnotizing.

wow its like they want people to have a seizure you guys need to put a warning and yes it was horrendous.

@Gameslaya: fo serious, homes, most likely you can like buy items from them onlines essay

@somarix: looks like im not, also it would appear kotaku and herpes get along.

why is it when everyone bitches about some product they ( whatever business ) never quite understand till like a year later and everyones like weve been telling you this for a year and now you get it, its sad that they got to learn the hard way.

@NeVeRMoRe666: i doubt kojima would have needs with all the success he has he shouldnt have trouble getting any.

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: the best you could do it the best so far, so dont put yourself dont boy, good job

@infinitezero: aaaaaaaahahahahahahahha, this guy so funny, who else thinks this guy is funny. actually i dont know why that hot chick would cause a ruckus but whatever.

@Showmeyomoves!: youre right that burger looks good, carls jr always makes good burger, its weird ive been replying about burgers all week long