
it seems like an eternity to get to the moder age. if i were to go be sent back in time to 1975 id kill myself cus having to wait till we got decent graphics would be insane, what did people do before decent graphics can anyone tell me. seriously what did you all do!!!

The dark ages of vidja games.

@DrGonzho: do you guys know each other, you played that quite well.

so this is coming to the usa or what, anybody?

@Applerain: puts on sunglasses, yeeeah.

cutscenes look decent i more of a story mode kind of guy so i think ill pick this up.

@midgarddragon001: nobody said hur hur fat! NOBODY!!!! maybe youre just thinking about youre high school/jr high/ elementary days. LAAAAAAUGH OOOOOOUT LAAAAAUUUUUUD!

@goochillini: ill just look it up on wikipedia my trusted site for all. nah ill check it out on imdb .com thanks for the tittle though.

@drmrw: we all make mistakes, you shouldve put engadget were it says gizmodo, i kid, i kid, i love them both EQUALLY!!! K!!!

yeah you cant even see the ants

after gettting my new job and ive had some scratch to spend so yeah ima get these why, well for one i like to keep the boxes of stuff i buy and two they look awesome and i bet they sound awesome too. I MUST BUY THESE FOR THE PACKAGING ALONE!!!

wow people posting their system specs, i never thought the day would come!!! here i go, my specs are

@RedRaptor: cus hes fat, is that what your trying to say.

he has to stay young, how else is he going to milk the mgs series and finally come with the zoe sequels.