
makes sense seeing as how a lot of games such as assassins creed 2 needs a constant internet connection, but what the hell are they going to do 3-5 later , are their servers going to shut down, will i be able to play it then, and yeah some people do buy games that long theres too many to buy at once, so yeah.

@Rejexted: ZING! im I doing it right? lol

makes sense i guess, i can tell this person is the kind thats passionate, so much that he cant take it easy, nice

first pick is #2 then #19 finally #17

someone should pit these last players with like pro gamers for a whole week and if they win then they can keep their precious LIVE connection, that would make it a battle against insurmountable odds, id also watch that!

@Manly_McBeeferton: who gives a shit .hahahahahahahahahahhaahaa its so funny. hahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha, oh man that made my day nice work william.

what no pc release! haha, yeah im not going to pay 65$ for this, ha!

I thought of Shepard Commander from mass effect but then i realized it wasnt from capcom but bioware, weird.

8 and 18! hahaahahahahaha!

@ninjafetus: why is he (Ebert) so concerned whether games are art or not, whats it to him, its not going to bite him.

i thought art was about making you think and see things differently, to invoke a feeling, or to say something about the world around us. i think games do that very well and they change you, they put you in different situations and you learn thing you may have never learned in life. thats why i love games, also didnt

didnt someone say that anything can be art here (theres that fucking chicken noddle soup in that museum) but if its good art or not should be the discussion.

@Hindesite: i saed sdont awenser thatt!!

why are we talking about cerial(i spelled it like that and im leavinging it like that), you know what dont answers that.

yeah this shit does suck i honestly believe theyre trying to get people to just buy the 360 ver, buts its easy to pirate those cus they just on a dvd , what a world we live in.


i like the one were she wearing the suit, anyone else like it better than the bra version.

wasnt onlive supposed to do this let you play pc,360,ps3 games on any pc, the thing that killed it though was the fact that you had to pay 15 buck a month an then pay for your games, many people are still wondering what will happen to you games if you dont pay those 15 dollars, no more games since theyre streaming and

overkill but they got me, i got to get em all, mgs!