
I’d agree with this - a dictionary isn’t just descriptive, it’s instructive. It’s where you go to find out what words mean and how you ought to use them.

Also, those words are not solely or even most commonly defined that way. A telephone is shrill. An alarm clock. Intentionally choosing gendered shit to express a non-gendered adjective is irresponsible. Let people learn their bias from their shitty parents, as is tradition.

It’s the dictionary’s job to literally define words. If you don’t know what rabid means and you go to look it up, you will now and forever associate it with feminist. Like if your daughter asks you, “what’s a prick, mummy?” and you say, “well, your father is one”. While that may or may not be accurate, teaching

WTF is a “berniebro?”

i’m annoyed with this. not really that they endorsed HRC- but they endorsed anyone in the primary. why bother? both bernie and HRC will be good for planned parenthood. why not wait until the general election and endorse the dem and we can all get behind it? this is just pissing off donors and causing infighting

“Unfertilized” was a mistake, since an embryo is made when an egg is fertilized.

I agree with your basic premise, but an embryo is definitely not the same as a fetus. An embryo doesn’t become a fetus until after the 8th week of gestation. An embry0 (fertilized egg) can be frozen in stasis. Once it is implanted and starts to develop, it is a fetus after week 8.

I am confused. What is an “unfertilized embryo,” exactly? Because it sounds like an egg. Once it’s fertilized, then it seems like it would be an embryo. An embryo is a fetus. It’s a fertilized egg in the process of developing.

We get frequent flyers who come in so many times with nothing ever found on extensive testing, but they always demand pain meds. Sometimes when denied these pain meds, they get verbally and/or physically abusive. If we try to discharge a patient and they refuse to leave and are abusive towards staff, we call security

Yeah! Fuck this guy diverting people from real issues by talking about real issues!

You’re like a troll, trolling right? Cause YOU are one of the reasons people won’t vote for Hilary in the primary. People don’t like knowing the ending. They want to believe that they have some input. And FYI: Bernie doesn’t take away from “real” issues. He brings real issues to the table. Without him Hillary would

I really don’t get what you’re trying to say here. Overturning Citizen’s United is a real issue, and the only reason it’s being talked about is because Bernie’s beating that drum. I honestly have no idea what horrible harm Bernie’s doing by running. That’s kinda how democracy works... At least as close as this country

If ‘the Republicans have no chance against Hillary’, the why are you so pressed that Bernie is running? The people who are pro-Bernie have always had issues with Hillary - so he did not create them.

This is so sweet, and it reminds me of something my dad used to do. When he would play guitar in the evenings, I would take out his song books and copy notes from them to “write songs.” Then I would bring them to him and he would play them. As it turns out, I was a wonderful song writer. Did you know I wrote Me and

Yeah. I want my president to be better than I am. Because I’m a super-flawed person who should never be put in control of anything too important because absent a supervisor I will just spend my time fucking around rather than getting work done.

You need to learn better wiping methods if that’s a problem you have.

because you can only wear a pair of pants once if you don’t have undies

I'm American Indian so Thanksgiving is the holiday where we give thanks our tribe survived.

I was 19 and just found out that I was pregnant, this was my very first holiday away from home and it was also the first time I met my husband’s extended family. My husband was in Germany about to deploy to Iraq, so I stayed in the states and lived with his mom. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mom so this

As she was putting the turkey on the table for Thanksgiving dinner, “It’s a Butterball, just like Missy.”