
No, this is not at all, not in any way, correct. A lot of people, until recently, could present universities with the ‘two bodies’ scenario and a surprising amount of the time, it worked, and both parties were hired, including into tenure track positions. Please do not ever think or tell people that there aren’t

I suspect they haven’t said anything because they probably can’t see her down there when they wander by.

Creative idea, my only problem is the space under your seat belongs to the person behind you. This is great if your in the very last row with a bulkhead behind you or the seat behind you is empty. If I was sitting behind Jane there is no way Goldie could stretch out with out one of us kicking the other

If you had read closely you would see that she was in the process of becoming a citizen. That literally makes her an immigrant.

Yeah, fuck paying people who work for you if no one is watching!

I’m sure her clinic isn’t the only one like this

I ventured into one because they set up in the SAME BUILDING as the clinic. The escorted me and a friend into an office and shut the door. Once my friend caught onto what was happening, he told me to get up and leave with him. I tried to open the door, but the LOCKED it behind us. My friend threatened to call the

Now several young brides from Kilkenny

Wedding, not yet. Saiances, always.

It wasn’t a church wedding. But I probably don’t need to mention that.

Why thank you, I will use this time to post my favorite picture:

This morning I was like, “You know ... I have other topics I need to take on for PTQ but this week I just really feel like doing something for me.” #doggie #doggie #doggie


We did not deliberately include pets in our wedding, but we had the most adorable gate-crasher!

My wheelchair frenchie Bunny stole the show...

Well, not physically there, but they were a part of it in cardboard cutout form (and as mentioned in a previous post, cake topper form as well)!

Yes and no. We got our fur babies the day after our wedding. We were in the process of adopting when we realized having a kitten in the middle of a wedding would be stressful for the little one, but we had to bring him home asap. We spent the day after the wedding kitten-proofing the place to bring our little Oreo

If so, he certainly had reason to believe there was an imminent threat.

Just spitballing here but I’m guessin’ this has nothing to do with the vaccinations and everything to do with a problem sterilizing the needles to give said vaccinations.

My mother-in-law sends me mother’s day cards because I mother our cats. She even sent them when I had a hamster. She’s super sweet and always looking for ways to show the best in everyone.