MEA is a SJW flop. Please take SJWs out of game development/creative entirely.
MEA is a SJW flop. Please take SJWs out of game development/creative entirely.
This game should be in the bargain bin. It’s horrible! It’s a lesson to never allow SJWs to infect your company.
This game should be in the bargain bin. It’s horrible! It’s a lesson to never allow SJWs to infect your company.
Wow. Liberals are beyond insane and beyond help. Wow, just wow.
Because government cannot run anything efficiently. The result is always lower quality and higher costs. Also, there is Constitutional right to health services.
The Democrats are a bunch of statist progressive LOSERS. They will continue to lose as long as they keep pushing gov’t control of everything and their general anti-American, pro-globalist nonsense.
Poland will not let in the rapefugees. Poland will not let their culture be fucked over by globalism like with Sweden and England.
She’s another out of touch libtard, just like Booker. Please please please run them in 2020, Demorats! Please please please!
Our military will be fine. We have an Alpha as President, not that limp-write, mom jeans wearing beta cuck Hussein.
Do these leak sound? I mostly use IEM so that I can listen to my music loud and it’s important for me that no one around my cubicle can hear what I’m listening to... do these over ears leak sound to the outside?
Do these leak sound? I mostly use IEM so that I can listen to my music loud and it’s important for me that no one…
Deus Vult!
Since we have the alpha male President Trump and not that limp-wrist President Momjeans Hussein, there’s no need for preppers/survivalists. tee hee
The President is clearly looking out for American consumers. While Germany makes some of the nicest looking cars (I love Audis and BMWs especially), they are unreliable pieces of shit. If you can afford to buy one new, you’ll probably be fine, but once you drive off the dealer’s lot, you lose a ton of value for a…
Why isn’t that criminal bitch in jail yet?
4v4? BOOOOOOOOOO! If I’m going to play this on PC, I want 32v32, 16v16, 8v8, etc.
You probably got the “Mus” part correct.
I got in on the DirecTV Now deal a few months ago that locked in the $35/m price for their biggest package and they gave me a free Amazone Fire Stick. They also gave me HBO for free and I get 3 HBO channels as part of my live streaming. As far as I know there’s no DVR capabilities yet but can’t beat it for $35/m.
His brain is perfectly fine. He’s not a Democrat yet!
Health services are not a right. Stop being emotional and use logic. It doesn’t mean some people hate sick people. There is no Constitutional right to health services. Stop whining and start thinking about ACTUAL solutions that would solve the real problem: expensive health services. Not lack of care. You can get care…
So then President Trump was right all along. 4D chess. MAGA.
Nonsense! There is always charity care for those who need it. Stop with the emotional legislation. Emotions don’t pay the bills.