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    I hope he ignores it and does it anyway. The courts didn’t stop Fartbama.

    Because you lefties are a bunch of whiny children who have no idea how the world works. YOU are the liars. You and your PMSNBC and CNN fake news. Keep up the violent rioting. It’s only going to make the mid-terms more of a GOP majority. I wouldn’t worry too much. We’re going back to traditions and the economy will

    Oh wow an anti-Trump skit by SNL. How original!

    Great time to make some money with Uber and Lyft!

    Liberals cannot help themselves. They cannot shut up about anything. They will never let it go. Just keep digging that grave. We’re looking forward to even more GOP victories in the mid-terms and beyond! MAGA!

    The rabid hatrid by the left against the entire Trump family is pathetic. How can you children live with yourselves? Grow up! Donald Trump is Our President now. He has a beautiful family. They’re all a bunch of attractive WINNERS and you people can’t deal with it.

    Yea, they’ll suffer a yuge libel lawsuit after the 4chan trolling. Double the winning!

    Messy? He destroyed the establishment media, especially fake news outlets like CNN!

    LOL you libs got trolled by 4chan! bahahahaha

    More fake news from the liberal establishment. Is it really a surprise that Fox has been dominating, while CNN cannot beat HGTV? LOL

    Oh for fuck’s sake! Are you cucks that stupid? LOL

    Less than 2% of the population is homosexual, so I guess they need a homosexual character now and then since it’s so rare.

    They can easily be replaced if they don’t want the paycheck. There are plenty of good looking, leggy broads who can dance in NYC.

    Maybe people realized that they could actually play video games instead of watching other people play video games?

    Planned Parenthood is a private organization. They should be getting $0 taxpayer dollars.

    You’re paid to look sexy and dance, so do it. I love the lib meltdowns for President Trump!

    Chill. He has not been sworn in yet. Fucking hell. The wall is coming. The ACA repeal/replace is coming. The continued butthurt of smug elitist liberals is com... continuing! :D

    Hockey players are real men, not pussies.

    Why would anyone take their eyes off such an absolute beauty?

    Call the whhammbulance. CNN (Clearly Not News) went out of their way to attack Trump and protect Hillary so they (along with every other pathetic outlet like PMSNBC) are getting exactly what they deserve. Payback is a Hillary!