
I try to type how I talk, sorry.

So, the lesson is, if someone, somewhere, has it worse, you are never, ever allowed to complain?

This is from a few minutes after the endorsement. I’m sure it’s much worse now.

I believe there was a case in Israel where a Palestinian pretended to be Jewish to sleep with a Jewish girl and was charged with rape for it, which also seems a bit...wrong for lack of a better word.

He slipped them into drinks or told them it was something else. Neither of those things happened in this case.

This does not compare to Cosby at all.

I think everyone can agree that the blackout drunk part makes it a rape. The fake porn casting part though? Absent the alcohol, would this situation still be a rape in your book?

If someone pretends to be rich and then isn’t, is that rape too now? What if they use a fake name?

Yeah I have a couple friends of Afghan descent, one of which still visits her grandparents there every year and her kids have traditional clothes and everything. They would be very taken aback to find out they aren’t white. They are Afghani-Americans, and they are white. IDK about Rumi and I doubt he was blue-eyed or

Reddit being a racist and misogynist stronghold makes the top 5 list for dumbest shit I’ve had to read so far this year.

It’s cute that you don’t think Serena is doping too.

Yeah, I have to say, speaking as an actual Persian here: I think DiCaprio is bizarre casting, and I kind of dread the whole idea of this movie, but I don’t really get all you people here insisting up and down that I’m not white. What “race” am I, please?

Agreed. There’s something really offensive about insisting Persians and Afghans aren’t white when many people of Persian and Afghan descent self-identify as white. It feels a little Klan of us?

People in these countries have diverse looks. Many of them look identical to Western Europeans. Because of the Islamic prohibition against portraits there’s no way to know exactly what Rumi looked like, but the contemporary population where he’s from could easily be depicted by Leo. There are plenty of cases of

I’m not only talking about skin color. I think there’s a kind of racism underlying the idea that people from these countries look so different.

Except he’s not playing Ganke Lee, he’s playing a character who’s similar to Ganke Lee. This isn’t the Miles Morales Spider-Man so it makes sense that they wouldn’t include him either.

He was damn good in Wolf of Wall Street don’t even try to pretend he wasn’t.

How is Spider-Man whitewashed? Also, many Persians are physically indistinguishable from Europeans. There’s really nothing wrong with these casting suggestions. We’re not talking about a white Malcolm X.

When I saw this was a new piece rather than a share from Deadspin I knew it would be Kara writing it. This must be her way of getting over Serena losing in the French Open Finals.

I’m not a doctor, but the reasons it was prescribed (irregular electrocardiogram results and a family history of heart issues and diabetes) don’t necessarily go away (the latter doesn’t, the former may resolve).

She’s paying for the doping sins of the motherland. The investigation placed no blame on her, yet suspended her for two years when it was a medical prescription. Ridiculous!