
I’m sorry his mom died, but wtf was he thinking not to sign a prenup? Dude you were having a mid life/pirate crisis marriage to a pretty young thing, and you didn’t think for just a second that a prenup might me a good call? Bad call, captain jack.

Is there where I get to complain about how *after* I quit my job at Bank of America, I found out I was blocked from a promotion because, despite my boss, his boss, and several peers recommending me enthusiastically, the boss above them had an uncomfortable boner for me and said my attire was inappropriate?

Maybe I’m in the minority here, but it seems like plenty to me for 2 days worth of lockup and a fairly brief legal dispute. I’m trying to consider this in light of the whole system of damage compensation, which seems to often award a million or two for years of serious abuse, and also the police department’s ability

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

of course not, then again. no one on jezebel hated POC as much as they do Taylor Swift, presembly because they are jealous about how aryan she is

It’s not. It’s fucking AWFUL having large breasts and you DO get treated like an asshole by asshole ALL.THE.TIME.

Britney Jean Spears released her new Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

Well a plane is going to disappear if it has crashed. Disappeared means that something has happened to the plane.

So I was at this taping, and let me tell you - it was BANANAS. They do a practice round before taping officially begins to get everyone acclimated to the format. It became painfully clear immediately that Lara Logan had no idea what Jeopardy was and had never seen the show before. While everyone else was super

Bobby finger looks like Ryan Gosling with AIDS

I guess it’s the cranky in me but I think it’s so weird/gross that people take photos of unsuspecting people and post them to social media, even if the intent is good natured. Like, just enjoy the music and let others be.

The whole burning down the house seen was stupid. So, she knocks over a few charcoal burners and the whole thing goes up in flames and kills everyone? Thing doesn’t have a servants entrance?

Men have higher risk of heart issues, which become a more and more frequent cause of death the older you get. Part of the issue is body size—the people who live to be supercentenarians (110+) are mostly very short and thin. The heart has to pump less hard to deliver blood to a smaller body, so heart issues are less

I don’t think that’s an equivalent comparison. Men and women can have and enjoy sex for decades after age 60. Sex doesn’t only happen for the sole purpose of recreation.

Funny how in the murder/suicide scenario, the suicide part seems to be the afterthought.

BY ACCIDENT! Why does someone always have to be at fault in these things? Who benefits? It just ruins another life.

On the other hand: mutual combat.

I’m not pro-fighting but I acknowledge that kids do fight and always have. The victim’s death is a horrible tragedy, but also an accident. A preventable accident for sure—which makes it worse—but still an accident.

I mean, he is her lawyer. It’s kind of his job to advocate for his client. What do you expect him to say?

Hi, I am a man, and I disagree. I don’t want to compare the body image issues of girls and boys. You probably think that girls have more severe body image issues, and you are probably right. But that doesn’t mean we should dismiss the body image issues of boys.