
i kind of get it. my mother is bipolar, but she’s ok as long as she takes her meds. some days, she thinks she’s just fine and doesn’t need her meds. my dad will come in and remind her that she is ok because she’s taking her meds right and then he’ll watch her take them. he also makes sure she doesn’t miss any of her


The fucked-up part is that aside from the really horrible hazing that leads to people dying, the vast majority of people who are hazed remember it really fondly. It’s like being war buddies—you go through the shit together and now you’re bonded for life. Part of the reason hazing still persists despite long efforts by

Then explain, what is a safe space to you since I am so white and a man. Or at least you assume I am because heaven forbid I have a difference of opinion. Which again, you are proving Bloomberg’s point.

Yes, having bodyguards to protect you from physical threats that can actually kill you is totally the same as having a spaces to protect you from language you find offensive.

You’re an odd fellow, Seymour. But you steam an excellent ham.

I think Worthen has a point. But then I’m old.

I get that some of the downvoting is definitely butthurt morons who hate that there are lady Ghostbusters however, that trailer is terrible. Like really really terrible. If I voted on Youtube videos, I’d downvote the shit out of it too. I like the idea of the film but watching the trailer was super disappointing.

I feel like only on this website would this get this many likes.It’s not just anytime people do shit without permission, that it should be called rape. Geeze.

Yeah, my apologies. I could have worded it better, and I should not have told you what you can or cannot do. However, I stand by what I said about using rape or rapey as a descriptor. Not everything that assaults a woman’s autonomy is a parallel to rape. Labelling it as such is actually counterproductive to

As a fellow survivor myself, I find it sick that you would use the fact that you were raped to make someone feel bad for having a different opinion than you. Katmandu had every right to disagree. You saying “as a rape victim” to justify you OPINION ABOUT A CELEBRITY GETTING THEIR PICTURE TAKEN ON THE STREET is the

So despite one in five women being rape victims, you’re assuming, of the two of us here, you are the only rape victim.

You are not the only person who’s been raped or talked about it here. While rape is about control, not everything controlling is rape. Using rape to describe a non-rape, belittles rape victims.

Please stop using rape as a descriptor for things done without consent. Trespassing, theft and harassment are all done without consent by definition, yet are not rape. You are only diluting the power of the word and encouraging dipshits to use it where it does not apply at all, like sports competitions.

You’ve gone full feminist, congrats.

The camera lens is male gazey? What the FUCK does that mean?

It’s an object. WIthout agency or will. It was not created with the specific purpose of taking pictures without your consent and the ‘spectrum of violence’ really makes sense when there is no violence.

Jesus, you people

I thought we’d actually gotten past this using rape as a descriptor thing. Unless it’s actual rape, no you don’t get to use rape as a descriptor.

I agree this gay went too far, and is a ridiculous asshole... but camera lenses feel “male gazey” and “rapey”? To a woman who has done “scandalous” photoshoots for many magazines and being on camera is literally her livelihood? No thanks, for the rape pseudo-comparison.

I don’t know much about the ivory trade, but seems to me that making it more rare makes it more valuable, and puts animals at greater risk.

I, for one, welcome our new Vocaloid overlords.

I thought the same thing. She is a swimmer with a dynamite body. This is a fail.