
People age, you know?

And you've managed to entirely strip away the agency of this woman and every other woman he's dated by acting as though he's somehow forcing them into dating him. They are adult women who can make their own choices. They choose to date him.

I can’t remember, did we give Jennifer Lopez or Madonna this much shit over their young trophy boy dating habits?

LOLOL. You’re just jelly.

Stahp. Just stahp.

you mean,mean woman

You’re not being attacked. Your comment is being challenged because it was hostile and vague.

Oh my god. Are you giving this girl shit for not being the right kind of pretty, now?

You have a strange definition of “attacked".

I know right? How DARE anyone call you out on your dumb comment. WHITE MEN ARE THE WORST!!!

Meh. Doesn’t bother me at all. Dude’s got a type.

Men who have consensual relationships with adults?

Is she tho? When I was in my early twenties i dated rock stars and I knew exactly what I was doing. Get it while and if you can girl!

Next at 11...teens do stupid shit.


So you seriously believe that literally the only reason men rape is because they hate women?

It’s just.... rape? A man murdering a woman isn’t a murder related hate crime, it’s just fucking murder. And it’s atrocious and horrible and should be prosecuted to the highest degree. I have no idea where hate crimes came into the picture, but it’s a strange direction to go in my opinion. <— me, having no legal

NO! I MUST HAVE MY PIECE OF THE SOCIAL JUSTICE PIE. I will harm some one’s well being and work for the most inconsequential, cherry-picked reason in order to make myself look better or so help me I will just use my white cis-gendered straight powers to make more money than you instead.

Jesus H. Christ do people ever need a fucking hobby,

So... her refrigerator is running?