
Why Your Contributor Sucks: Chris Fucking Kluwe

Not Labor Day Weekend, but the weekend before I traded in my 2008 BMW 335 (*tear, sniffle, cry, tear, frowny face*) with 93k on the clock to purchase a 2014 4Runner Limited 4WD with 2 on the clock. I have a dog, a 9 month old sasquatch of a son, and another (child not dog) on the way, so cargo space has now become a

I bought a 2015 Mercedes S65. I got a $0 dollar discount because it was Labor Day. Love the car regardless.

I know this:

I havent smoked a cigarette since November. I was a half-a-pack a day smoker.
I gradually tapered off to the point that I am vaping less than 2 ml a day, of 4.5 mg/ml.
My car doesn't smell.
My apartment doesn't smell, and I don't have to go outside.
I have spent far less than on cigarettes.
I have what

Still in Oakland

Ask his son ...

I understand that response and all, but really, these posts are just less entertaining and I'm voicing my opinion that they won't help your site. It'd make sense to consider that some of your readers feel that way.

This is a pedestrian YouTube account featuring a bored guy who talks about the TV shows he watches. He doesn't attempt to make jokes and the potential "unintentional comedy" isn't drastic enough to raise an eyebrow. I'm increasingly confused by this site. I know this is supposed to be, technically, some spinoff thing

We have to have standards of behavior in society. We cannot turn into a society where we celebrate anything but a wedding with cake kisses. We cannot. We. Cannot. I am 100% bigoted and discriminatory against people that celebrate life with cake kisses. I don't want them on my football team. I don't want to work