
Yeah, I went back and forth on this.

At first I heard the song on the radio and I was like YEAH I like this. Then caught the "skinny bitches" line and thought ugh, no, that stings.

The next time it came on the radio, though, I heard the /next/ line about her joking.

I think all in all it isn't a perfect song, but she

That's where I tuned out. I do not, and can not, get behind the whole "calling other women bitches" even if it's in some sort of playful manner. And I really can't get behind calling people "Skinny bitches" "Just playin" is the next line, but you know, I've heard that being offered after something really hurtful is

I think she does say something along the lines of she's joking after that bit. "nah I'm just playing"

Totally agreed on the last line. (I can't relate to the first paragraph because I'm 5' 10", but I'm glad you you said it.)

You know what I really hate? When men say things to me like "I like a woman with curves. I hate twigs!" and think they're complimenting me by insulting thin women. Really, it just grosses me out and it's insulting that they think I want to hear that. I don't hate on thin women because I'm fat. It seems to me that they

Her current way of coping is meds, redecorating her room, and sass. It's not permanent, but it's working for today. What worried us was that the movie walks a fine line with suicide- it's sad, but the sacrificial imagery surrounding it can be interpreted as the character needing to kill himself, because he couldn't be

Both of the things you cite do indeed work for a LOT of people, and have enabled them to have lives they might otherwise have been deprived of. The sad fact is that a great many people with mental health problems either don't seek help, or don't stick with what might help them eventually (by which I mean people who

I like how Slater says, "Wanna say that to my face?" when Screech, in fact, did just say it to his face.

Ugh, right??? I feel like I need three showers just READING what the guy wrote. Gross.

It's not a stupid question, but it's a very very long story. Probably over 1000 years long. Basically both groups see it as their holy land, and only theirs, and they both have some valid reasons to claim the land, but neither side wants to compromise. The country of Israel itself isn't that old, but the underlying

Two groups of religious zealots believe they have a God given right to the same land. They also believe they will never achieve their goals unless the other group is annihilated. Now dump $3 billion of US money into one side each year. Good times ensue.