
LL was always pop. His contributions were to the popularization of Rap. It would be like giving the first Rock and Roll Kennedy Center Honor to Ricky Nelson.

Who directed this movie? The Shaggy D.A.?

So many others in Rap who were far more important to the art form. He's the first rapper to get the honor? That's pathetic.

I hate Nazis.

Every celebrity is lying to you in your world, aren't they?

"His Generals" are in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Oh, I was wrong, they dated for 8 years, and she's his kid's godmother though.

"her Strangers With Candy co-conspirator Paul Dinello"

Stronger…..smelling? Not sure how taking the hot air out of a hot air bag helps him in any way.

"Not Gibbon A Shit"
"Mobbed Up Morons"
"Urine The Money"
"Donny Loves Vladdy"

When will we see the films of the GKCU (Gold Key Cinematic Universe)? I can't wait to see Turkok, son of Stone save Baby Snoots & the Banana Splits from the Three Stooges in the Twilight Zone.

They see me Gnollin', they hatin'..

I've seen her instagram, it's real.

Parody is dead.

Dear AVClub, please find some food writers that don't continually favorably compare food items to the industrial products of KFC or McDonalds.


Hello, comrade, please to be trying my all-American Borscht soup! Make Americans Greatness Once More! Will heal your manhoods like Alex Jones Male Vitality sprays!

The trailers look like Lincoln commercials from 15 years in the future.

If you don't want us to think your Cult Leader Trump is Hitlerian, than perhaps asking him to fire Bannon & Gorka and all the other white supremacist Alt-Reich Neo-nazis, would help.