
Which predator are they hunting, Trump or Michael Jackson?

Same for Donald Trump's underage Eastern European models.

No toll for the troll?

The word "Watter" is so appropriate for that guy. He is a HUGE watter.

Nope, lots of Jews loaded their fellow jews onto the trains in Poland. You see, to not be a Nazi, you have to stop saying and doing things that Nazis do. Give it a try sometime, Nazi.

Nope, lots of Jews worked for Nazi and loaded other Jews onto the trains in Poland, for example. Ssorry, if you walk, talk, and act like a fucking Nazi, you're a fucking Nazi.

As a Texan, I am deeply offended that they call this a Taco. It's like Trump calling his Trump Tower Taco Bowl Mexican food. It just ain't right.

He works in Hollywood. Of course he's a cocaine addict. Haha, only joking, James! Please don't kill my first born!

Herpes, the original Love Bug.

Sorry, sucking black cock is not a "Get out of being a Nazi free" card.

Yes, insane people can be both gay and Nazis.

Hah hah ha, laugh it up snark boys. Meanwhile a neo-Nazi was just handed a cool quarter mil.

'member when Rocky fought AGAINST cheating Russians?

"See the head lice on the highway"

There are at least two songs about the boys being back in town.

Top 4 Austin Rock Releases of 2016
1) A Giant Dog - Pile
2) Magnet School - The Art of Telling the Truth
3) Brown Sabbath - Brownout Presents Brown Sabbath Vol. II
4) Churchwood - Hex City

"a snapshot of an artist sticking his hand right into the electric current of his inspiration."

Slap Bannon, Sessions, Trump, Christie, Gingrich, and every Alt-Reich nazi. No need to slap the moron on the street.

Putin and Trump approve!!

He supported Ben Carson in the primaries, didn't he? It was some GOP bozo besides Trump, I think.