Pete Wine

‘Base camp’ isn’t that far away. Porsche trucked theirs up as high as they could go then drove the rest. Not like they’re doing hundreds of miles.

Porsche’s attempt sounds all high and mighty (pun intended) until you realise the previous record holder was not a multi million dollar factory effort, but two locals in a lifted Suzuki. The ‘experimental’ 911 with portals beat their record by a measly 46 meters.

Yes. Well they used the vehicle to install emergency radio transmitters:

If they’d done this in a 1969 Dodge Charger, you’d be flipping your shit right now.

You still watched to the end. What does that say about you?

Correction: the narrower the powerband you have, the more gears you need. 

Update: I just asked ChatGPT to write how the evils of capitalism caused a Bentley with too many gears to kill people, and ChatGPT refused!

Bentley needs to be more like Koenigsegg and build a car that’s so slow it only needs a one-speed transmission. Very irresponsible.

Lorries fit on UK streets, so it’s a bit silly to say pickups don’t. That said, they look ridiculously out of place there.

I bet Veronica is a real blast at parties and I bet the “AdFree Cities” offices are just a ton of fun.

Socially responsible or not, that Hilus still looks better than the Tacoma.  If the Feds would only let me, I’d travel to Mexico and buy one right now.

Ha, what the hell is with the multiple “[sic]” notes here? That’s how they spell stuff over there. It’s perfectly acceptable.

Dont have sales numbers, but we get Polk VIO data and as of Oct here are the Police-spec Explorers in service:

Donuts are fried. 

Reference to a Rage Against The Machine song about cops.

Stanley is replacing a car for someone that purchased a travel cup from them. State Farm won’t even pay someone that has an insurance policy with them

I want to see how fast a pit crew can put on chains.

For fear of sounding like a Tesla fan boy, where is the struggling? A couple tire squeals? That’s it?

So what you’re saying is that it got you from A to B quickly and drama-free, and this is a horrible bad thing, and somehow doesn’t make it count as infrastructure? The cost of construction was a huge cost savings over expensive traditional infrastructure, less congested than surface traffic, and much quicker than