
Kyle Katarn’s sitting on the bench, head in his hands, legs bouncing with nervous energy, waiting for the coach to put him back in

They were really hitting their stride with 3.0. Such a damn shame.

I’ve been doing my best to spread the word about Wandersong in the week since I finished it, and it had me thinking: What’s your favorite example of a game that took a while after launch to find its audience?

My launch Vita’s battery has only recently started to show its age, and even then it still lasts far longer in standby than practically any of my other devices.

I occasionally fire up Origins, get onto a horse and set an auto-travel waypoint on the other side of the map, just to have it on as background noise.

I wish some of those different time of day states had made it in. Maybe it’s because I’m one of those “Dark Souls 2 is great” weirdos, but I like having a wider range of colors in my Souls.

I’m going to ignore the horrific way time keeps, like, passing - which I did not sign up for and am very unhappy about - and instead point out that the header image made me think of Monkey Island.

Dynasty Warriors 8 XL. I spent hundreds of hours on the series back on the PS2 but fell away from it over the years. I only had a couple games in the early days of the PS4 and was looking for something to play, so I figured I’d give the series another shot. After about a half hour, I was already wrapping it up and

I’m just trying to figure out where Matt Sharp fits into all this.

I feel like there’s a very small subset of people specifically tickled by the idea of Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Tekken and I am amongst them

I believe the plural is Nos Man’s Sky

I’ve yet to take a look at this one, but I enjoyed the weird little sense of community that came from groups working together with scripts in the Monster Game. I even spent some time watching Twitch streams of other people doing the same. It’s actually kinda one of my favorite gaming memories in recent years.

If PlayStation wants to stay on their own little multiplayer island, fine, whatever. I primarily play Fortnite on PC, and “portable” would be my preferred secondary console experience, so I’d happily forfeit my ability to play on PS4 in order to play on Switch instead. The fact that you simply don’t have the option to

I haven’t seen this yet, but I did enjoy the episode of Alternative that they surprise aired a couple months back. It had a much more chilled out, slice of life kind of vibe compared to the original; I’d be happy with a whole series that resembled the “My Foot” montage from that episode.

The game was never presented as this and it’s not fair to hold it against them, but after seeing an in-engine trailer with a talking character like that, I can’t help but wonder what an alternate universe version of this game with a campaign and story would be like.

I’d be fascinated to see how their sales over time have lined up with their long-term patch schedule. The recent PS4 Pro patches are likely going to be the thing that finally gets me to dive in.

Now playing

I love stuff like this so much. I was bummed I didn’t play Oxenfree until this was already wrapping up -

The Hateno Village music makes this even better.

“horny mech anime”