
The final couple hours of 999 is possibly my favorite stretch in gaming. It takes a story that has Lost levels of batshit insanity and manages to tie it up in a perfect, absurdly satisfying little bow. I wanted to put down my DS and run around just high fiving everyone in sight.

I guess I’m #943, which makes me a little bummed my name isn’t listed. I guess there was a survey in Nov ‘14 specifically for the credits name, maybe I missed it? Regardless, I’m not sure I’ve backed anything that had nearly as many surveys/registrations/etc as this did, not sure why they couldn’t have gotten most of

I’d love it if some of the artists would release concepts of “dream” characters, like the Monkey Island cast or something.

In humanity’s final moments, we’ll finally realize that we were Half-Life 3 all along.

I imagine it’s still a good way from breaking even taking budget and marketing and everything into consideration, but I hope it’s on its way there. It’s... I didn’t think it’s a good movie, but it punches above its weight. I’d be happy as hell if it did well enough to warrant an extended cut on bluray, I wouldn’t be

Shield surfing damages it? Nooooooooo

This game is going to fucking devour my life.

Never thought you’d be able to compare Zelda to Doom.

I think I can blame Serial Experiments Lain for my weird fascination with power lines like this.

Is it just me, or are pirates making a big comeback?

I still can’t quite believe that I wound up feeling so invested in f’ing BJ Blazkowicz. What a game.

His team has a secret weapon.

[Background: I played Warcraft 1, but I remember literally nothing other than a couple character names; I’m just a weirdo who sees a shitload of movies.] I wouldn’t say Warcraft was good, exactly, but I would also hesitate to call it bad. Like, it’s an kind of an absolute trainwreck, but I walked out feeling

R + L = COD

My favorite is when you get a crate of all duplicates.

Curious to see if it gets the Bay Area better than it got Chicago. The original had a vague whiff of the city once in a while but mostly felt like a movie set in Chicago that was actually filmed in a Canadian stand-in city.

I found myself kind of intrigued by the ‘dystopian YA novel’ feel in the beta. Failed utopian city, familiar character tropes, a weird name/term for every. damn. thing. It’s all over books and movies lately but it seems like a kind of feel that not many games have gone for. (It’s a shame the actual story itself is

Shame the Take Your Heart edition doesn't come with the P1-5 soundtracks like the big JP collectors edition.

*adds to pile of articles to read once he finishes the game*

Oh! Hey! Awesome! I always hoped they’d have a chance to expand on that idea, it was a fun little thing.