
Man, no shit: when I did the launch drive for this car back in 2014, they had all this British stuff everywhere. Union Jack flags, The Who and the Stones playing all over the place. But all the engineers there were German guys! “You like the new Mini, ja? Das ist ein kleiner Rennwagen, ja?”

Ja, zie new mini ist zupfer British!

The way I read it in coverage elsewhere, it would not allow you to register a 2040 or later vehicle not meeting the criteria in California, with the sole exception being made for people who are moving to California for the first time. That would rule out the ‘Californians going car shopping in Nevada/Arizona’ scenario.

Can we look forward to an article from Tom McParland on how to take of advantage of the auto makers’ current woes to get a good deal on a new vehicle?

Will they slow the car down like the phones when a new model comes out???

When Fancy Kristen said she wanted “a car filled with coke,” this is not what she meant.

I drove my friends BMW and used the turn signals.

weight savings?

get out.

This is the dumbest take I’ve seen here this week. It’s well documented that no form of stimulation, whether cold or hot air blown on the face or trying to sing along with music or otherwise, will keep a drowsy driver awake. Shifting a stick is no different - people don’t fall asleep in stop and go city traffic, they

So is the problem that the dealer did a bunch of wrong, maybe illegal things? Or is the problem that the internet told people about the wrong, illegal things someone else did.

My Portia is quite fast; she gets on her feet sprints from far away to beat the rest to breakfast.

I’m so disappointed in you Tom. You missed the golden opportunity to use the pun imprezive.

This car looks hungover:

I dunno, I don’t see ‘Superfast’ anywhere in its name.

Can’t they just follow the trail of oil drips to track them down and apprehend the evil-doers?

Hold the damned smartphone! Did Lexus just have the balls to put a 4-cylinder in their car and actually name the car after the true displacement and add a “T” for “turbo”?! Well done, Lexus. Points for logic and accuracy.

Almost the inverse of their capital flow, roughly $2.39 billion to 0 in 60 months.