
joke’s on you, you probably could have run the place and make a lot more money

I guess, don’t die antwood

usually I wake up right after it happens, so it hasn’t seeped through.Actually most times I can stop the dream too.

also,a civilization that can make crops but can’t use radio, probably won’t even have the concept of intelligent life on other planets

make sure you document your achievements. Write emails and stuff to other people in the company with status reports, etc, even when it’s not needed. That way if your boss ever calls you in you have evidence that you have done your job within the allotted time. Also, it’s probably illegal for her to make you stay

I bet they did nazi it coming

hmm, why would aliens only use flattening crops as a form of communication? why not, dunno, spray paint?

what if I ejaculate in my sleep? I have wet dreams if I haven’t nutted in a while.

no, it’s all for show. 80 hours doing squat looks better than 40 hours of real work to your boss.

you should watch Stalker for a more high-brow experience. And by more high brow I mean rated as one of the top films in history

Morgan Freeman was born in South Africa, and spent time in jail there, don’t you know your history?

wait, so an Israeli firm sells software to the Saudi Arabian government? haha the irony


who cares, she gets nude now,

8), you fucked up, there is an episode where Sam travels back to the Civil War

Golden Axe, I would make that chick turn all the time, you know what I mean :)

if it gets to this I’m sure there will be actual violence, a system so corrupt inevitably collapses due to basic laws of nature and physics

So sue me!

Big data

you probably described Thursdays with rentboys at Thiel mansion