Conveniently not mentioning your whataboutism reflex, huh? Why aren’t we ever talking about it? I’m not hiding anything shut up we’re talking about you now.
sorry i understand the hesitancy but it’s time to move on and get back out. get your vax shot and start doing the things you were doing before and that you want to do again. if things change again and we need to lock back down and cancel everything again, then we will. but in the meantime, the time has come to plan…
We're either open or not, and since we are, people need to stop trying to guilt people for resuming their lives. You don't feel comfortable? Stay inside. There is nothing wrong about having a convention as long as they require proof of vaccine.
Good for him. I’m sure he’s well off financially. Despite me personally disagreeing with him politically - especially on the Trump support - this guy does not seem like whatever the R equivalent of a “libtard” is and I wouldn’t look down on him for views that tens of millions of fellow Americans and hundreds of…
Your coworkers at both Jezebel and Deadspin have used this word — fully spelled out — to describe gay men. I’ll say it again: Your heterosexual female and heterosexual male coworkers use this word and your editors publish it.
Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.
<Match Game music starts playing>
My unceasing letter campaign to Steven Spielberg asking him exactly that has so far failed to yield an answer, merely a ‘Cease and Desist’ from his Lawyers.
Woke: Devs, don’t make games about minority identities you can’t personally speak to, as that is appropriation and you’ll likely screw it up.
The author asks, “Though the developers have said their intention is to represent all sides of the conflict, how do you make a video game like this without glorifying the U.S. war machine?” How? Well, I don’t know. And neither do you. This game hasn’t been published or played by anyone. Coming from a video game…
“I don’t want control, but would rather let Intel to be able to censor everything regardless of context”
Sorry Luke, I don’t agree with you. Settings like this look ridiculous on the surface but make more sense if you look at it from a “not a straight white guy” perspective. Yes hate speech needs to be confronted at every turn, but some non-white people use the n-word in non-racist ways. Some fat people (myself included)…
I mean, all things considered, he’s not exactly wrong about this:
Perhaps AOC should take a look at history - congress has been doing this for decades (look at Obamacare that was passed and signed into law before any human being could have read it.) if she has a problem with it perhaps she should put forth a bill to fix it - lots of states require a bill to actually be read out…
Tell that to the Kaji family and their great success exploiting their nine year old on YouTube.
Cyberpunk is a mediocre, overly buggy, and at times laughable experience, from CDPR, who in my humble opinion are perhaps the an unjustly heralded AAA dev team out there.
Luke, gonna be as nice as I possibly can here:
“...since there was surely no super important deadline they had to hit with this.”
Often, studios can’t just “delay the game.” Release isn’t dictated by fan eagerness; it’s dictated by terms set by those funding the development. I can’t say I know what happened here in particular, but it’s more than likely the devs had…