
Really interesting that Roll7 was working on this and OlliOlli World at the same time.

I guess crypto bros have just softened my opinions about collectors who genuinely have an interest in the things they’re collecting

I think there’s a difference between “we’re going to support her publicly” and “we’re going to prevent significant changes to our already-filmed movie that could hurt its quality and success”

To be clear: I’m not angry or offended that the Iron Giant is in this game.

is for all intents and purposes the follow-up to Wii Sports

Glad to know that by watching a few YouTube videos and repairing my Joy-Cons myself, I probably have more expertise than the temp worker I would have shipped them off to.

Can I say something crazy? Shia LaBeouf would not be a bad re-cast for Ezra Miller as the Flash.

The whole first level being based on the idea that the Foot is continuing to run the television station is fantastic.

an upcoming four-player side-scrolling beat-’em-up being developed by Streets of Rage 4 publisher Dotemu.

I get the feeling that Pitchford has a love of magic and is a historian (his great uncle was the famous magician Cardini), but maybe wasn’t able for whatever reason to make it a successful, full-time career.

Look, it’s really easy to make fun of Randy Pitchford—but if legitimate members of the magic community are happy about this, then vaya con dios.

He wrote it, silly.

Copyright is indeed automatic, but you can’t enforce your rights through litigation unless the copyright is registered. That’s the actual intent of copyright protection, because that’s what’s written in the law. That’s also what the judge ruled in the previous lawsuits against Epic.

the game has been offline in both North America and Europe for over two days due to the attack.

Things like this fall into a category I like to call “respecting the player.”

People who have been waiting over a month for VHS to get back online.

Because induction has never strictly been limited to the genre of rock ‘n’ roll. Marvin Gaye and Aretha Franklin were inducted in the second class in 1987.

Expect information about its finances to be unseen as well.

I got to do the opposite, which is (a) solve a puzzle on the old site; (b) refresh my browser to switch to NYT, and (c) get a free one-guess solve.

I assume the author means “that would fit in that ‘U - - E R’ spot and would only show a misplaced C in the first blank”