
Expect information about its finances to be unseen as well.

I got to do the opposite, which is (a) solve a puzzle on the old site; (b) refresh my browser to switch to NYT, and (c) get a free one-guess solve.

I assume the author means “that would fit in that ‘U - - E R’ spot and would only show a misplaced C in the first blank”

Fun fact: Wordle has still been playable all week through the original site, as long as you had a tab open prior to the migration and didn’t refresh your browser.

Before Hill, Rebel Wilson questioned why her weight loss received more coverage and media attention than new movies she produced.

I use a combination of your wife’s strategy and chasing vowels. Since the best word for vowels is “ADIEU,” I combined the remaining vowel, O, with the four most common consonants in the dictionary, RTNS, to get the starting word “SNORT” (“TRONS” is also, surprisingly, acceptable). If you want to include Y, drop the N

I always figured they do those guesses because they’re morons.

Geoffrey Rush had more than one accuser. His statement after the second one came forward was...not great.

For me it was when I learned that the guy whose first name is Jidion chose the streamer handle “JiDion.”

Hot take: Left Center Right isn’t a game. There’s no player agency, strategy, or decision-making. It’s basically a group RNG simulator.

Hot take: Left Center Right isn’t a game. There’s no player agency, strategy, or decision-making. It’s basically a

Wait a minute—the guy who created Wordle is named Wardle? Way to completely bury the lede.

Maybe—and just stay with me here—Nintendo wants to make the announcement on a day when there aren’t 50 other announcements.

It could be worse—he could be pronouncing it “Mare-io.”

It’s a shame they wasted such a good beat like that on such terrible lyrics.

Plus, the prizes up for grabs aren’t exactly anything to write home about. You’re not earning sweet, rare cosmetics or raw XP. You’re merely earning the chance to get more XP.

I’m can’t decide what I’m more surprised by: That they got Maisie Williams for Arya Stark or that they didn’t get Zach Callison for Steven Universe.

I think the only failing is that it doesn’t identify WB as the multiverse in question.

TIL that over 4,000 people paid an average of $460 for randomly-generated digital images of Neopets.

Rumor is that this will be on PS+ in November, so if you’d prefer to play on that platform, wait a couple days.

Rumor is that this will be on PS+ in November, so if you’d prefer to play on that platform, wait a couple days.

Typically, it’s more that the developer would prefer not to have unfinished video of its game out in the world.