In other words, Epic is making good business decisions that appear to be paying off.
In other words, Epic is making good business decisions that appear to be paying off.
Crazy thought—maybe some of your readers would have actually liked to know what was being added to PSO2. Instead, you stole a lame joke from about 15 different people who replied to the tweet you linked.
The only thing I learned from this article is how little the author understands the subject matter of this article.
They’re 1000% going to lose the case, for a number of reasons. This is 80% PR, and 20% making MSCHF spend some of the profits on lawyers.
Really disappointing to see an indie developer go console-exclusive like this. Hope the MS money was worth it.
Submitted, but did not receive a nomination:
Some odd choices in that TMNT cover. It was almost like the singer had never heard the original before.
I think that ship sailed a long, long, long time before Gamestop.
I think it’s going to be in HD as well!!
This has been a problem since Hitman (2016). For whatever reason, the “slow walk” button doesn’t work properly when 47 is on the stairs.
My guess is that they’ve been held hostage by WB, so I’m only blaming IO to the extent that they should have seen this coming and taken care of it prior to launch.
If by “shouting out” you mean “stealing views by paraphrasing his article on a different web site.”
Well, CDPR has already made its development costs back on Cyberpunk (refunds pending), so there are still enough pre-orders and day-one purchasers to let them get away with their garbage development practices.
Considering the high level of tolerance the
AAA industrytypical AAA fanboy usually has for broken and unfinished products, I can only imagine the giant mess this game must be.
They’ve announced that the game has already made back its development costs, so my guess is they’ll end up getting away with all this.
It’s amazing how well consumers have been tricked to accept (and even defend!) games that are this unplayable and unpolished at launch.
The fact that you (and one of the replies) seem to be okay with a “blue screen every now and then” and other technical issues shows just how well developers have tricked consumers into lowering their expectations this gen.
I believe The Last of Us Part II just won seven Game Awards, including Best Direction (you have to be kidding me on that one).
It’s been suggested that some of the bugs would have led to the game failing certification, but Sony (and MS) gave CDPR a waiver based on its representations that they would be fixed in the Day One patch. And then that didn’t happen. So the console makers have some egg on their faces in this one, too.
I still have my copy of Goldeneye within arm’s reach, and . . . I’m not sure it holds up as well as we’d all like it to.