
It is our understanding that while both programs were made aware of the 10:30 a.m. stoppage of play via a May 2019 email, Kent State University failed to communicate the steps that would be taken should the 10:30 a.m. hard stop be reached.

Kareem Hunt got suspended for eight games not because he punched a woman, but because he punched a woman on camera.

Fellow Indians fan here. Your argument would have been much more compelling on August 12, before the Indians proceeded to go 10-13 and fall 6.5 games back in the division (and are losing to MIN as we speak).

I distinctly saw at least one rainbow flag in that video. If being anti-facism is political, then surely being pro-gay rights is as well? I look forward to MLS being exposed as giant hypocrites regardless of what decision they make on that issue.

So what you’re saying is that he could have had this stat years ago, if only the Reds manager would have had the foresight to put him in the outfield.

I’d bet money that someone, as we speak, is reading every tweet he’s ever written.

He had previously lost all seven matches against the Swiss cyborg, including twice at Grand Slams

Looks like Life is Strange 3 is further along in production than I thought.

I don’t disagree with you, but the artist refers to himself as “colorblind.” The story here is his revelation, so it makes sense to discuss it in the terms he’s using, even if they’re technically incorrect.

Stay with me here, but I think it’s possible the Cowboys got a discount. Based on the typical salary inflation, this new extension probably won’t be top-of-the-market in two years when it kicks in.

As you go up the ladder of homicide crimes, they become more and more difficult to prove, so prosecutors typically charge “lesser included offenses” as well, with the jury eventually determining which crime the defendant actually committed.

Yeah, the ports are pretty piss-poor. Real bonehead move having Panic Button port Doom 3 but not the previous two.

You must be new here.

Nate Jackson: AB should get to wear a decade-old helmet because they’re all junk, nothing can protect football players from concussions and CTE, and we’re all going to die anyway.

I usually can’t stomach articles like this until I finish off a tall, steaming cup of Joe from Tim Horton’s. Tim Horton’s, when you’re in Canada and you’re just trying to hang on for a little bit longer.

It’s a free-to-play game that gives you the full experience without ever having to pay a cent—hard to take issue with the microtransactions in that context.

Ninja is a Lions fan, which is pretty much all you need to know.

Sega has repeatedly denied that there’s any contract with Michael Jackson. So someone’s not telling the truth here...

I wouldn’t agree with either argument. There were allegations made, he strongly denied them. Then his employer investigated, and concluded that they couldn’t confirm anything. He certainly doesn’t deserve to be blackballed, IMO.

We need to get off the idea that 1 employees alleged and unproven domestic abuse has any bearing on this 2000 plus person project.