Yeah, but then how would Disney get free PR from sites like The AV Club .com?
Yeah, but then how would Disney get free PR from sites like The AV Club .com?
The settlement is clear that only players who died between July 7, 2014, and April 22, 2015, are eligible for a monetary award for death with CTE.
while genuine concerns about exclusivity deals, DRM proliferation and dishonesty are downplayed or ignored
Epic’s exclusivity strategy trades on the “gotta have it now” purchases like mine—and while I might only have been willing to dip in for one game, there are plenty of other gamers out there who will make the decision to have a game now as opposed to enduring a twelve-month wait for a bunch of high-profile titles.
I was thinking Patreon, too.
Howard Stern’s show started in 1985. This isn’t really any different.
They’re not officially retiring Durant’s number, or putting a banner in the rafters. They’re just not letting anyone wear it, out of respect. As a point of reference, no one has worn 6 in Miami or 23 in Cleveland since LeBron left.
A few of the reports are using the phrase “found dead,” although it’s difficult to see what information they’re basing that on. Suggests certain causes of death over others—extremely sad.
My 2 quick thoughts:
I’m assuming that your roommate is the beer brand Shiner, as opposed to an actual person. If so, tell him that he really needs to get in on some of this trademark stuff.
The widely-accepted “official” names of the US teams are the “Men’s National Team” and the “Women’s National Team.” Throw “US” on the front, and there you go.
Well, according to all the dumb ex-players I’m seeing on Fox’s promos, it’s apparently called the “Woman’s World Cup.”
Berhalter also has a weird obsession with making Wil Trapp a thing, that I really don’t get.
Why, oh why, did he have to go to Disney on Ice that fateful night?
This reminds me of Gangsters: Organized Crime, one of my favorite PC games from the mid-90s. I am all in for this one.
Rapinoe’s celebration was dumb and cringey, and she seems to enjoy being a provocateur with stuff like this. But I saw all 13 goals yesterday, and I didn’t find any of the other celebrations to be over the top. Can anyone make the case for one?
Here’s my article on Rich Paul (h/t Wikipedia):
Any story trying to explain Paul’s success other than “Let me tell you about the time I met LeBron James” is revisionist history.
I just assumed he meant Celtic FC, because Anthony Davis isn’t going to sign a long-term extension with a football team. Duh.