
I can’t think of anything more romantic than saying how great your wife is on national TV while having a massive wad of dip / gum / seeds in.

Cavs lost Game 1 to the Pacers by 18. LeBron had 46 and 12 in Game 2. Call me when the home team loses.

Based on the questions, it seems like the alternative would have been for him to recount all the details of an alleged assault that took place 22 years ago. Not sure if that’s the better outcome.

He was indicted by a grand jury, that’s not nothing.

I’d settle for an Earth where they won in ‘97.

More like Earth-3.

+house cleaners

A guy on Resetera creates a hashtag:

If you bench him for only one quarter a game, by the time you get to the fourth game it’ll be less than benching him for a whole game.

Unfortunately, in the real world—with its weather that ranges from too-hot to not-even-consistently-warm-enough-for-me-to-put-my-jacket-away-for-good-even-though-it’s-May-already-and-I-just-want-to-sit-outside-and-drink-beers-in-a-t-shirt-and-enjoy-life

My 1v1 skills are terrible enough as it is, and now I have to fight everyone for the Infinity Gauntlet? And then I have to fight freakin’ Thanos? RIP.

They can’t pay attention to stuff like that because they are too busy alternating between crying because no one is paying attention to how special they are, and then crying because LeBron destroyed them in the playoffs reminding everyone why they’re not worth paying attention to.

Better yet (and easier), you can grind enough for a battle pass, which has loads more value than an individual skin.

I started a solo match last night with the express purpose of (a) finding the Tomato Town treasure and (b) grabbing a couple of the FORTNITE letters (these are two of the current Battle Pass quests). I just ran around the map until the circle was too small to progress. Got killed in my first fight, but still finished

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a d-bag superfecta here:

This seems idiotic to me. At what point does a manager remind both these dummies that they’re on the same team?

Triple H, WWE’s wrestler-turned-executive, told The Independent
that “you can’t dictate to a country or a religion about how they handle things but, having said that, WWE is at the forefront of a women’s evolution in the world and what you can’t do is affect change anywhere by staying away from it.” That’s a

I mean, they’ve already copied PUBG, why not throw SW:BF-style heroes into the mix as well? /s

But seriously, no harm can come from choosing to give off, over and over again, these small and easy indicators that you are aware of the people around you and share at the very least a sort of rock-bottom kinship and solidarity with them. You were not going to do something cooler or more important with those 15

Clearly the danker of his two children.