
Have you actually played it? Because it took my group of experienced D&D players about six sessions to finish. It is by no means a one-shot.

You’re not wrong. All the pictures are in embedded tweets.

So if someone decides to speedrun the game without thee mod, what is that? For Realsies Any%? Any% Without All The Cheating?

I need Ryan Lochte to weigh in on this immediately.

Rik Smits.

How dare you assume her gender.

Hot take: It’s because they blow.

As much as I love him as a player, and as grateful as I am that he broke the curse, the problem with the Cleveland Cavaliers is LeBron James.

Is going to hell worth this star I just gave you?

When asked for comment, Red Panda immediately condemned Welts and the Warriors for revealing her super-hero alter-ego, “The Red Panda.”

Came to say this. Not that this type of speedrunning isn’t legitimate or interesting, but it certainly doesn’t correspond to being “good” at the game.

Is there a lower position on the student government totem pole than “co-head line monitors”?

My guess is yes, because they’ve likely been using adults during all the internal testing. Having said that, they may only fit you if you’re the same size as an average Japanese software developer.

**gets list of Switch owners who don’t have a copy of Odyssey**
**goes to their houses one by one, yells at them**

For me, nothing beats this stat, but the incredible sales of Odyssey in such a short period of time is astounding. If you do the math, 61% of people who own a Switch also own Odyssey (and bought it in less than three months!)—that’s unreal.

That’s not really “outbidding” the Redskins—they threw in a likely defensive starter and pledged to give Smith that ridiculous extension.

Funny, you don’t hear any stories like this about Miyamoto.

“My Joshua Tree post, in particular, was mocked online,” White told me. “That’s one of the potential downfalls about writing personally online, especially when you’re a woman. I took the critiques to heart and will continue to learn and grow as a writer and editor.

There’s an oasis here and there. Brandon Stroud’s professional wrestling coverage is some of the best on the internet.

For context, the Western New York Flash won the title in 2016, but still couldn’t do well enough financially to stay afloat. They were reportedly on the verge of folding before they were purchased and moved to Raleigh as the North Carolina Courage.