I watched Mahtook play a bunch while he was in Durham. Always thought he’d be a career AAA player, but glad to see him getting some run in the show.
I watched Mahtook play a bunch while he was in Durham. Always thought he’d be a career AAA player, but glad to see him getting some run in the show.
Here’s a better question: Why didn’t the Cavs try to get Butler?
Way to bury the lede. This is actually a really positive story, and a great move by Blake, but the article seems a bit negative until the end of the first paragraph.
Plus if one of the competitors makes it big and wants to start selling merch with their handle on it, you’re in a pretty big legal swamp.
That’s interesting—I’ve been reading reports that Vegas already has a handshake deal to send him to the Hurricanes.
This would have been a perfectly fine finish had this been the third, or fifth, or seventh, women’s MITB match. The people who are mad about the finish are not in-storyline mad. They’re mad because WWE had one chance to treat this with the care it deserved, and they completely botched it.
Here’s a hot take: If a match doesn’t have a finish, it isn’t the best match of all time.
Despite the new genre, it’s a pretty standard gacha game. Star ratings / rarity for characters, bottlenecks forcing you into microtransactions, multiple types of currencies to evolve different-colored birds, etc.
I’ve already heard her in the game. Good call not counting on it.
> No Max
> No superpowers
> No Dontnod
> No Ashly Burch VO
> Hired a scab to play Chloe
Microsoft: The Xbox One X will retail for $500.
Maybe someone should tell your players that they’re not Brazilian and don’t get to put nicknames on the back of their jerseys.
Jonathan Jeanne is a 7-foot-2 center from the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe
The US needs a consistent kit design—for all the talk about trying to be seen as a legitimate soccer nation, we change styles as often as a teenage girl.
It’s beating a team they should beat, which is more than I can say for most of this qualifying cycle.
This is precisely the comment I was looking for. Dude should have come up with a better story.
Don’t know anything about this team, but I will say that I like their logo and merch.
Multiple times, even!
I look forward to your summaries of the minor league transactions for all the other MLB teams.