
Also, he killed Mr. Boddy in the Conservatory with the lead pipe.

This is good Kinja.

More partial to the wine jerseys, but the home whites are good, too.

There’s a reason the Cavs had more trouble with the Pacers than they’re having with the Raptors. When a team has a bonafide superstar that can take over a game (a la PG13), a team has to pay more attention to him on defense and is more frequently out of position. No one on the Raptors is good enough to deserve that

I’ll take one!


Congrats to the one person still making MIDIs in 2017 on your new job composing the music for Sonic Forces.

I came to check out the deal, only to find that this is the exact same model Spectrum just installed in my house. Nice.

I came to check out the deal, only to find that this is the exact same model Spectrum just installed in my house.

By all accounts, they’re pumping out as many as they can at the moment. There’s a point where you start running into quality issues if you expand production too quickly.

Trump thought the lawyer’s evidence was so convincing that he’s urging a House subcommittee to launch a full investigation.

You can hate Trump all you want, but are we really taking pictures of his 10-year-old through the bushes and posting them on social media? Is there no line anymore?

What’s great is that I can tell you didn’t watch the video because you copied a joke Quintana made in the video.

1) Paul George is really, really good. It’s a shame he’s stuck in the NBA equivalent of Siberia.

You live in a world with dozens of cable channels devoted to “reality” TV and you don’t understand the appeal of wrestling?

You’re in luck—they just changed Superman’s costume again:

Home court advantage only matters if the series goes 7 games, right? Let me know which of these series you think is going 7.

Operation? Reigns has said in interviews that it’s basically a fancy t-shirt with his logo on it. It’s not actually offering any protection.

After we’re dead, obviously. But in the last couple months there will be many, many soiled sheets.


It’s going to be really fun to watch the Indians this season.