
@PeterNincompoop: Spackle and trowel, they got their drywall repaired.

Roller and Brush, they got painted.

@ttyymmnn: hahah...I thought the EXACT same thing...Sean Casey is such a bitch.

Not to be a complainer, because typically Gizmodo is on the cutting edge of technology news (i.e. that little iPhone4 thing), but as you pointed out, this feature has been around for months. There have been multiple annoying commercials with excited newly-weds greedily depositing checks from the Honeymoon Suite

Have they said anything about a release date yet?

@John: One thing that made me mad is that Bill didn't think the whole double-crossing Eric thing through. I mean really? Eric got out in like 2 seconds.

I live in Chicago and have known of the Skip/Rick Bayless brotherhood for sometime. I hate Skip, but really respect Rick and love his food. I actually work really close to Rick's Chicago restaurants and I see Rick on the street every couple of weeks. I have never said anything to him mostly because I don't want to

A nice craft brew should not be drank from a can or a bottle. Ideally it should be drank from the appropriate glass. So, with that said, the fact that some craft brews are switching to cans really doesn't matter at all since you should not drink their product from that vessel. However, alot of the time when on the

@mricyfire: Are you talking about people with money or states with most money...California (the state) does not have money...

@sanjeeva7: I would say that Apple providing free cases points more to them having an issue with public perception than with hardware. Not saying there is not a hardware issue (because obviously there is), I am just saying this issuance of free cases does not indict Apple for admitting it.

My dad had one of these when I was a kid...

If this game is as addictive as "Words with Friends" then I am all in! I want to play with Giz editors!

Does anyone else find it funny that one of the biggest controversys in Canada is about "Lake Naming"?

@Paul L: Since the reception issue was reported almost instantly after the iPhone 4 launch, everyone who purchased one had the right to return it. If they still really wanted an Apple product they could purchase a 3GS. If they really wanted something with the latest and greatest hardware, they could grab one of the

@pixelpushing: I just see where the corporation is coming from. They had a cool offer to make the World Cup more exciting. All they asked is that you register your product. They probably should have made that a little more clear, but any smart "gadget purchaser" who is on this site knows the perils of a properly

@Waffles And Syrup: I'm just saying that if the deal is too good to be true there must be something more behind it. A smart consumer would look into the issue beyond just what is says in the newspaper.

@NetLogic: Only the blind can see my friend...only the blind...

@clearbox: HERE HERE!!! I am also an iPhone 4 user and have never dropped a call (although for some reason I have always held my phone like a dainty flower sipping tea, so maybe that has something to do with it).