your mom
your mom
I’m sorry, not to be an ass but I’m still struggling with “paraplegic security guard”.
Even Dana Loesch wouldn’t defend that shooting.
They should replace him with Bob Ley.
I’d have to wait for him to get over here, and I don’t have all day.
Both? I meant it in the sense of, everyone’s paying attention to player safety now, so we’re noticing/remembering instances of early retirements to an extent we probably didn’t register them before.
Mayo probably has a future in coaching if he wants it
No. Griffey did so much with far less power. I don’t give a fuck about steroid use but if you’re going to use them then you have to open yourself up to the, but what if so and so did?
Griffey > Bonds.
If Griffey’s plaque features him wearing his hat backward, I’ll take back (almost) every bad thing I ever said about the Hall of Fame.
I’m shutting it down. I’ll never peak higher than this.
As the founder and president of the National Rusty-ass meat cleaver Association (or NRAMCA), I would like to remind you that Rusty-ass meat cleavers don’t kill people, it’s usually the rust, typically with tetanus, however, if the Rusty-ass meat cleaver has some remnants of old meat (mainly chicken) on it, then there…
Fallout 4 is more realistic than I thought.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a meat cleaver is a good guy with a katana.
Miko....That’s....That’s not how birds work at all.
I've seen a lot of takes on that original GIF (which is one of the first I ever made) but never that one.