Peter Larson

I like bean dad’s approach. A can opener isn’t a car. This isn’t a challenge beyond the capabilities of a child. I would like to think that most kids would have been able to figure it out faster than this one, especially by age 9. You’re not her dad, her dad may realize the kid needs to be pushed to learn. From my own

If you weren’t already online after the last 10 months of quarantine, now you can read this article and learn how

They haven’t used shillings since the 70s, it’s just pencing it in now. I suppose if you want to be more inclusive, you could just move up from subdivided currency and say pounding it in.

Jared Dunn

My grandpa used to do this, he would bring a can of soup with him out to the field and put it near the engine of the tractor. It was all ready to go by the time he was ready to eat. 

My mom used to do this, but never ran it with dishes and detergent. Seems a little more foolproof. Tasted good though.

I wish instead of the rewind thing, it made you go chase down your skateboard as it rolls half way across the warehouse

Nylon string guitars are almost a different instrument. I appreciated starting on one, the wider string layout can be helpful in some ways. Some people with really big fingers might like them also, so they can focus on understanding the instrument instead of fighting with string spacing. 

Nylon string guitars are almost a different instrument. I appreciated starting on one, the wider string layout can

If you’re the sort of person who would buy these shorts, you probably either don’t have the social awareness to realize nobody cares or thinks you’re cool, or you have friends who will also think it’s funny hilarious that you bought a pair.

Is one of them absolutely determined that this weirdly shaped rock you randomly rolled on a loot table is magic? Make it magic.

I think it’s countriesman or maybe country’sman

But in this case, there’s not an extra 50p to be had, and the real annual bonus payout is not freezing to death.

Was there some context for the “beauty and strength of diversity” comment, or was that just randomly brought up because it sounds good in a press release?

It wins some sympathy from some people. Maybe he should have asked his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whether or not he should steal UAW money. 

Famous people shouldn’t get lesser punishments than the rest of us. Nobody wants to play against an aim-botter, whether it’s a pro on a smurf account or not. Frankly, even if he’s telling people not to do this, he’s still sending the message that it’s okay to do it. 

Frankly, it’s a bit naive to think a company can hope to please everyone around the world. There are plenty of societies and governments that don’t support homosexuality or outright ban it and punish/kill homosexuals, but Blizzard still has LGBT characters in Overwatch. I wonder how long they’ll manage to dodge that

That is where the first incarnation of the Black Knight, Sir Percy of Scandia, comes in.

Magicka was funny

When confronted with these allegations, the suspect reportedly responded “Marry me!”

There should be criminal charges for this.