Manual transmissions suck when your daily commute involves traffic.
Manual transmissions suck when your daily commute involves traffic.
Clinton 65,844,954
What are you talking about? She was the only one who really took him on. Did you forget the fight they had?
You literally just did it again. And sorry that my dad died so I haven’t had a chance to catch a movie. Just learn to shut the fuck up.
Um it spoils the last shot of the whole damn movie. That particular cameo was a well kept secret, and a much needed breath of fresh air after a lot of dark shit. She and the plans are the “New Hope” that ep. 4 begins with. Some of us were busy for the holidays. At least wait another month before you go blabbing all…
I had no idea shes in the movie in any form. You don’t get to decide what is and is not a spoiler if it occurs in a movie that’s reasonably new just shut up, don’t decide for me what’s ok to hear
Hey how about shut the hell up with spoilers
Jesus christ, every time FA shares something we get to hear you guys bitch about it. You’re not the only people who read this website. If you don’t want to read these kind of articles, don’t fucking click on them. It’s that simple.
No it’s just that it wouldn’t be the first time people have SPECULATED this. There’s never been any evidence of Nintendo holding back stock.
I sometimes suspect this myself, but then I wonder which executive is kicking back in his office going, “Yeah we’re missing out on $50 million in revenue, but that product is hot as fuck this year ain’t it?”
Here’s the patrician stance on the issue: fuck VW, and fuck this guy.
I understand all the hysteria, but let’s take it easy on this guy: he is single-handedly responsible for one of the only satisfying climaxes to a Chargers game this season.
On longer flights: The seat is designed to recline. The airline has no rule against reclining the seat. I’d like some sleep before I get to my destination after a 6, 7, 8 hour flight.
Yeah, I think at this point I am looking for a happy ending. I really say this thinking about all zombie movies and shows. I want to see civilization return, attempts to wipe out the zombies, maybe a cure to prevent more zombies, nation building, etc. I mean what happens when survivors from Mexico clear an area and…
“A lot of this is the fact that Obama was an ineffective president.”
Yeah, no change.
Simplistically true, but the reality is more complicated. A close race will surely means more GOP success down-ballot.
These are a bunch of scared old white men who horde guns to protect themselves from blacks, Muslims and Mexicans. There won’t be a violent uprising because that means they’d have to go outside where there could be blacks, Muslims and Mexicans.
Why did Kanye let her finish?
Hopefully 17 trillion. Beyonce is fucking terrible.