
The Wire doesn’t even hold up anymore. It’s copaganda. We have all learned what cops are like. They are not a bunch of Bunks and Lesters. They aren’t even Hercs. They are murdering racists who protect each other and no one else. If The Wire wanted to be great they should have shown that.

My biggest gripe is some of the absolute garbage on that list, meanwhile Dream On doesn’t even make top 50?

Yeah, The Sopranos should be #1. The Wire was a critic’s show. Everyone loved The Sopranos. Because it was better, all in all. 

I usually don’t take too much stock in the order of lists like this because generating controversy is part of the fun. But this is honestly one of the worst lists of anything I’ve ever seen. The Wire and The Sopranos being one and two is fine, but everything else is bonkers. How could Curb Your Enthusiasm not even

Maybe, but the other two Brokebacks, The Mountening and The Barebackening are overlooked classics.

oh jesus that’s terrible.

A Star is Torn.

I’m always saying that Brokeback Mountain: Tokyo Drift was underrated. Y’all are gonna eat your words in 10 years when thinkpieces hit. 

You’ve Got Dong

I get why this is being reported this way, but Thor is crossing the $600 million mark this weekend globally and did so without a Chinese release. Trying to force the narrative that it’s a major flop especially in the current theatrical atmosphere.

literally not a single racial or gendered connotation there. Nice try, loser. Learn to read.

Thank you for bringing this up. Just to be transparent, I wrestled with this closing line when writing it—I didn’t want to discount systemic racism or the show’s focus on it—and ultimately went with it as a style choice, a writer’s affect. I like these characters so much, I want to see them experience a bit more joy.

ahh because YOU don’t like it, that means everyone that does must lack taste. Yet here you are, commenting on something you don’t like, can’t be any more tasteless than that.

Could have sworn the Indian Jones knockoff was named Tomb Buster, not Tom Buster, which sounds like a movie about a cop trying to crack down on peeping toms.

knew it was coming from the moment he stepped outside too, but that didn't make it any less powerful imo. the shot of his body floating face down in the pool is some haunting stuff

Counterpoint: SNL didn’t punt enough during the Trump administration, giving that bloated sack of excrement even more attention, by not even making fun of the guy but just having Baldwin regurgitate whatever bullshit he’d said that week and mugging for the camera like, “Isn’t this absurd?” It was unfunny and lazy.

Yeah I was gonna say, SNL’s problem with Trump was that their writers suck at political comedy and they stuck with a deeply unfunny Alec Baldwin impression for 4 years, not that they were afraid to cover current events. 

Lighten up, Ferdy.

Tom, all three of these series of columns have been appointment reading for me the last few years. I really hope you've got another one in the works. Otherwise, I'll have to go back and start Age of Violence over again.