Pete Miesel

Thanks to Lorne pulling it from syndication no will has

Those red state fucks won't be laughing too much longer when they clue in at the level of the con they just signed up for.

Yeah, the whole lot of them should never be let off the hook for having that man host last year. If last night was their first attempt to atone, good. About four more seasons of this will be needed.

Outstanding callback sir

God, I can't think of a character that was more of the universe's punching bag than that guy. Morse had every right to be pissed.

Which makes me wonder just how close to the hacking Mr. Milo was.

Wow, that's your best answer here?

Gawker had deep pockets too. Not endlessly deep ones though.

Pride comes before the fall.

Took me two entire seconds to find this

Plus Tom Hardy would have personally ripped out their spines.

All I said Sparky was that under the Gawker rules Milo's employer should be justifiably nervous about their boy possibly being involved here.

Man in about 20 years white guys are going to be really annoying minorities.

You notice that as much as the Milo/Vox/MRA crowd whined about Mad Max they didn't go after the cast with the ferocity they went after Jones.

He was. Only the most obtuse think otherwise.

Neither Coulter or Vox were overtly whipping up Twitter harassment of this woman.

They hate her because she's black and they thought that she wouldn't fight back.

He's saying this hoping that Jones' lawyers and the FBI don't look in his direction.

You would think the whole Peter Thiel/Gawker precedent would frighten off people from doing stuff like this. Breitbart better hope that their boy Milo wasn't within 1000 miles of this particular escapade