
Plainfield, Indiana...the land of distribution. 

Sure thing, Norma Rae.

It means you don’t have to pay using Paypal anymore. It’ll go back to the way it was before eBay bought Paypal, when you could pay with a credit card OR paypal OR other methods. So yeah, this is welcome news.

Damn, why don’t my old Toyota rims fit on my new Nissan?

It’s crazy that manufacturers not updating their devices can be considered a feature by some.

The point that I think most people miss is that its in Apple’s best long-term interest for those older devices to work as long as possible. Apple’s reputation as a device-maker relies on the good function of their devices, and intentionally breaking their old ones to force upgrades is a terrible long-term business

The reason for that is that newer versions of iOS add features and are designed for more powerful devices; running a new OS on an older system will invariably cause slowness and performance issues. Specifically in your case, Apple made the switch from the Samsung RISC ARM chip (running at 412 MHz!) in the 3g to the

Because it won’t be used for any of those.

We have a $1,000 donation from SteveGannon....

That’s precisely what this is about. Rather than bashing Amazon, what’s wrong with discussing the potential positive uses of this technology?

“Do you have an explanation for this, Jones?”

Something like this could easily be used to make their work environments more ergonomic.

Oh, come on, a couple $500 Craigslist beaters would do the trick.

well this is just a Smart move

The loss of life in this incident is regrettable. However, by impeding the GOP passengers, a much greater tragedy was avoided.

...edited! Nothing to see here. Of course, your response has solidified my error in permanent digital form. Thanks to Kinja, there’s no way to delete the record of incompetence, so certainly it will dog me for eternity. 

They chartered the train. You think that’s cheaper than flying coach?

“NOW: Amtrak train collides with garbage truck in Crozet. Nurse on scene reports at least one fatality and at least one in critical condition. NBC29 is on scene and will bring you more details as we get them.”

Members of congress going by rail is the most amazing thing about the story. Nice to hear they aren’t jetting about on the taxpayer’s money.

Why does it matter who it was carrying? Does that one person’s loss of life matter any less or more now? How about the injured driver?