
They left the demons out. It’s like they wanted to fail.

that one is... sigh... Doom.
They made a Doom movie and managed to screw it up. They managed to screw up a movie about a space marine killing demons in space and then in hell.

How about option #3? IE, letting Duke be the ass-kicking, bubble-gum chewing hero that he is. ...Until he runs out of gum, naturally.

*looks out window at empty driveway* WINNING!

What I neglected to mention is that the RR had cost me only $1,000, but I’d paid for a professional LR specialist inspection on it, and on several other cheap Range Rovers.

I made so much money selling press kits on eBay, I wanted to treat myself to an E30 M3.

But you’re a big manly man, with a big manly truck, surely you fear no accidents.

Bold statement for a pickup with a hood that massive, should have been cab over.

I love the idea of these compartments. However, as someone who does 100+ miles per day in a work pickup, I just see a Chevy finding brave new ways to squeak, rattle and break.

It has space everywhere - except the bed.

Oh god, we’ve got some of that now where I work and they’re finally trying to eliminate all these legacy MS Access applications, especially since they all seem to run on Access 98.

It was probably the cheapest solution that technically met the written requirements. Everyone gets upset when the government spends too much of their money so they probably had to go with the lowest bidder rather than their preferred solution.

IT functioned fine. It’s the doofus pushing the buttons we are trying to fix.

The guy who actually wrote it? No way. The contract company that put in the lowest bid and then had cost overruns? Definitely.

Sounds like something a D-plus student.would say...

Longest documented period of time for a Range Rover to be actually working.

My advice. Never buy a vehicle in the dark.

Lol Range Rover guy gets into this article because it’s amazing his car actually worked.

I noticed that two of these stories involved the purchase of a used Audi.