Yeah call me whatever you want, but this is like celebrating that someone passed a test after being given all the answers.
Doesn’t change the fact that almost half the voting population voted for him. Beyond gross.
I was a political science major, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what a Jones upset would mean. It’s pretty significant, and requires a fair amount of nuanced thinking. So I apologize in advance if this gets kind of dense and long, but here’s the analysis of someone who studies and thinks about this…
Alabama shows it has a tiny amount of basic human decency left by not electing a child molester to the Sentate by the thinnest of margins.
Congratulations Alabama!
I don’t have kids and I don’t leave my pets in my car. But Florida is a state of 20 million people, so unless you’re planning to tell all of the rest of them to suck it up, the takeaway is that pets and kids die every year in cars from heat in this state. Also, AZ doesn’t have the levels of humidity that FL does,…
Introducing Florida Legislator(TM), just like regular Florida Man(TM), but with more yard signs!
And get punished like a criminal? Being stupid is not the same as maliciously doing something to another human. Basically you can get locked with the guy who stole your car, even though it was all his idea and he was the one who purported the crime and got caught?!? Man that sounds like a fair place to live.
same in the netherlands... if the keys are in the car and it gets stolen it pretty much voids the insurance (well.. if they can prove you left the key in the car... wich is why i keep the original keys safe at home and use a spare for the car... so if my dumb ass ever loses a car this way i can at least turn round to…
MI will not write you a ticket for remotely starting your car. however going out starting your car with your keys, was a ticket.
Such as? MI was the only one that I’d heard of, and they repealed it.
Yeah that sounds like natural selection.
What next? Criminalize victims of violence who weren’t defending themselves by carrying a gun? I’d rather live in a society where we don’t make criminals out of victims. An unlocked door is not a gift.
Are there stats to back up his “juveniles are running into people and killing themselves?” This sounds like the stupidest thing to come out of Florida in a long time, and that is saying something.
Yep. Literally going into Starbucks to grab my already-ordered drink and back to my car, my interior goes from low 70s (where it is when the AC is on full blast in the summer) to over 95. In *under two minutes*. If I have to stand in line at the gas station, my interior can be over 105 by the time I’m back in the car.…
“Juveniles are crashing into people, killing themselves,”
I can assure that Florida does got hot enough that you want to leave the car running while you step out of the car for a minute, especially for visitors not used to the heat/humidity combo.
Never overused.