
Just running 60 fps capped, or apparently not due to broke AF vsync, on highest end of hardware with latest drivers.. Clearly my own fault here.

What gets me these days are sites like IGN/Kotaku and their small click of supposed“amazingly thorough and professional” gaming journos who’ve been on the video game beat for

I think it was Kimmel who did a series of man-on-the-street interviews asking people if they liked the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare (they are the same thing of course). It was funny, but a bit chilling - some of the people talked about what they liked about the ACA and they were pretty specific - that is, they

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That’s a really cool story. Can you tell it again? Do we have time?

Please slap her for all of us.

...smooth acceleration didn’t exist in her world....she a peddle stomper.

I don’t like this person.

Someone I know through a friend got a model X for his wife, she wanted to give it back after a week because of the way she drove. smooth acceleration didn’t exist in her world....she a peddle stomper. she’s the same person that told me “I get on the highway and get in the left lane, people can go around me if they

Can’t you just... not floor the go pedal?

I know several seniors who fear autonomous driving, but I think they are really going to be the best to benefit from it. My grandparents could have stayed at home for a few more years if they could have made it to the grocery store on their own.

It’s age discrimination to not allow 9 year olds to drive because of their age. As long as we can prove that a loss of ability to drive safely correlates with advanced age, we should be fine testing for that loss of ability.

I think it would be age discrimination to make somebody do it at a certain age. I vote 3 years no matter what.

I can’t really judge, because I suspect I’ll keep driving long past a reasonable age as well.

I honestly think all drivers should be required to retake road tests to renew a license. You shouos have to do it every 5 years, then every 2 after you turn 65. Every accident I have been in has been the fault of a senior citizen, usually because they didn’t brake in time.

Let me taste your fucking tears, Tucker.

Our child president hates CNN because he doesn’t think they are nice to him, therefore he will use an $85 billion merger approval as a chance to even the score.

Papa John’s pizza unilaterally surrendered before hostilities began.

Univision should offer to buy CNN outright. What would make Trump madder than having the Messicans own a major news outlet in the US?  

The war in Christmas is real. Christmas advertising used to start much earlier and the Christmas season used to be much longer. Also we used to have a Santa in every mall in the country and shit tons of Christmas markets and parades.

In addition to what The Grapes said, Fox News technically calls themselves “entertainment” and so I guess that makes fiction acceptable? Can’t we at least get them to stop using the words “news” or to put a disclaimer at the bottom of the screen?!

Mmm, yessss. Feed me your sadness.