If there was no complaint against him, it’s either bylaw enforcement being dicks, or the township is eying up his land for appropriation.
If there was no complaint against him, it’s either bylaw enforcement being dicks, or the township is eying up his land for appropriation.
Love seeing someone else use ‘Canton’ as a derogatory term.
Just check out craigslist ads for “clean title” cars in Jersey and New York over the next couple years.. Get ready for some title washing.
The show ‘Northern Exposure’ set in Alaska, one resident initially wanted a new stop sign, then realized it was a slippery slope to vacation rentals and withdrew the request.
This is completely legal. So is VW parking a gazillion illegal cars in a stadium parking lot. Yet a 70yo guy living in rural Michigan can’t keep 200 cars on his private property.
In most cases stupid rules like these are unevenly enforced and primarily used as a cudgel to be wielded by spiteful, shitty people.
Anecdotally, all the people I know with nice things generally treat things well, even things that don’t belong to them.
Could easily start an entire racing series with all the working vehicles out there. We could call it the Soggy 500.
Looks like a part-scavenging Jalop’s wet dream.
You’re a wise person. I used to work as a manager of an auto rental agency in Reno. Let’s just say I have plenty of stories about people crying about how they couldn’t afford to pay their damages (and about my complete lack of caring). I was Jekyll and Hyde though. If the accident wasn’t their fault (as judged by…
You realize that the price we all pay for the rental has to cover the abuses of these few people? If fewer people were such selfish a-holes, then the rental insurance would be cheaper and so would the rental rate.
And neither are the responsible, non-assholes who behave responsibly and are still subject to increased rates and insurance costs due to these jackasses?
These people are all horrible insufferable assholes. If you damage property that is not yours intentionally, you are an asshole. No excuses. This is why you’ll never own anything nice.
So destroying property is cool as long as it’s not personal property? Ok idiot.
Seriously. Shit like this is why I have to pony up a $300 refundable deposit every time I need a rental, which thankfully isn’t often.
Having an older brother that would punch me in the face for fucking up his things has taught me to respect other people’s property better than my own. All these people are dicks.
I thought I was going to be the only one. All these people sound like dicks to me. I just rented a Citroen something or other in Italy and drove it 2800km through Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. I vacuumed and washed it before we gave it back. I wouldn’t dream of doing most of the things in here to someone else’s…
Yeah, I always thought I was a rebel when I put a 2x4 in the trunk or some sandy beach stuff.
This article has as many assholes on the renters’ side as it does the rental agency side.
I must be the odd ball here, but when I use rental vehicles I treat them better than my own.